the ground this morning, and, being be-. yond the corporation limits, the Are department could not assist. Students saved some of the furniture. The loss 1s $4,000, partly insured. KILLED IN WIFE'S PRESENCE.
Husband Shot Down by Brother-in-law, Who Escaped Arrest. Wheeling, W. Dec. the presence of his wife and three small children, C. W.
Price, a well-to-do carpenter of Moundsville, was shot down Instantly killed to-day by his brother law, Reece Carr. The murderer escaped. The trouble between the two men, which culminated in the shooting, was about Mrs. Price, who is Carr's sister. Mrs.
Price has been in the asylum at Weston for some time past, and was taken from there to her home a short time ago by her brother. Carr. This against the will of her husband, and since her return it is sald there has been much trouble in the family. Carr having been making his home with the Prices. The tragedy has made Mrs.
Price again insane. WOMAN PERISHED IN FIRE. Helpless Invalid Burned to Death in Her House at Belmont, Va. Special to The Washington Post. Riehmond, Dec.
Spottsylvania County, was the scene Friday night of a fatal fire, in which the home of Dabney Brightwell was destroyed, his wife burned to death, and he himself painfully injured. Mrs. Brightwell, who was a helpless paralytic, was alone in the house. Her husband was in a distant fleld when he saw clouds of smoke ascending from his home. He ran with all speed to the house and endeavored vainly to enter and rescue his wife.
No one knows the cause of the Are. TO CONFER WITH PRESIDENT. Features of Interstate Commerce Law to Be Discussed by Mr. Crandall. Special to The Washington Post.
Richmond, Dec. F. W. Crandall, of St. Louis, of the Travelers' Protective Association, has gone from this city to Washington.
He has an ellgagement to confer with the President introduced in the A. Wednesday regarding resolution, Nor, 6273, Cooper, of Wisconsin, the purpose of which is to increase the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission. He also will call attention, probably, to an alleged grievance of the traveling men against the Southern Railway. They claim that the Southern charges low through passengers, and high rates for points within the State. A paper on this subject has been fled with the State corporation commission, and will doubtless receive attention in due season.
POOLE WAS MURDERED. Lynchburg Man Declared to Have Been Killed by Unknown Person. Special to The Washington Post. Lynchburg, Dec. coroner's jury in the case John Poole, found dead yesterday near the Southern Railway tracks, brought in a verdict that he came to his death by a wound in the back of the head inflicted by an unknown person.
An examination of the body showed two wounds in the back of the head and both ankles broken. Warrenton Hunt Club Run. Special to The Washington Post. Warrenton, Dec. Warrenton Hunt Club had a lively run over the Leeton Hill farm this afternoon, the pack the fox for the occasion being dispensed Starting with in on the Leeton account of Hill the paddock, deep snow.
the club made a rapid detour of the estate, finishing in full view of the spectators. Messrs. J. Hill Carter and F. B.
Porman sustained falls. At the home of Mr. and James K. Maddox hunt club and fully hundred guests regaled themselves at a delightful hunt breakfast. Long Term for Circuit Court.
Special to The Washington Post. Richmond, Dec. longest term in the history of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals closed here today. One case was argued to-day, that of Moses Solmson vs. Bredin et from the Circuit Court at Baltimore.
It was a patent case, and WAS argued by C. M. Clarke and Thomas W. Bakewell, of Pittsburg, for the appellant, and by Bacon and Joseph H. Milans, of Washington, for 'the appelloes.
Destitution Among Richmond's Poor. Special to The Washington Post. Richmond, Dec. second storm visited Richmond to-day, and wheh it ceased this afternoon four inches covered the ground. The missions report that never in their experience has there been 80 much destitution among the poor.
Many were taken in last night in a haltfrozen condition. Child Burned to Death. Special to The Washington Post. Richmond, Dec. 12.
-Willie Byrd, a colored girl, six years old, WAS burned to death to-day. child was left alone by her aunt in a room where there was an open Governor to Speak at Fairfax. Special to The Washington Port. Richmond, Dee, Montague left this afternoon for: Fairfax, where he addresses the County Good Roads' Association tu-morrow. Found Frozen to Death.
Special to The Washington Post. Montgomery, W. Dee. 12. -Henry Cruse, of Smithers.
was found near that place frozen to death this morning: It thought he was tremen while unconscious. Wen Wagers May Lose Life. Special to The Washington Post. Alehmend, Van Dee. 18.
-Charles Gibbs is IN A or condition In Manchester, The result drinking quart AT in Ave minutes to win a wager: VIRGINIA WEDDINGS. Heathayille, Dec, 19-Vesterday evening Farnham Baptist parsonage Reynolds and Miss Maggie Sydnur were married by Rev. Richard Edwards. Fredericksburg, Dec. Baylor, of Essex County, and Miss Augusta Jeffries, daughter of James N.
Jeffries, formerly of Middlesex County, were mar. ried last week in Norfolk. Fredericksburg. Dec. R.
Clark and Miss Ella Gossom, daughter of MUNYON'S COLD CURE WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY IF IT FAILS TO CURE I know that my Cold Cure' will relieve the head, nose, throat and lungs almost immediately, and prevent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Grippe and other diseases. Get a 25-cent bottle of these little pellets, and if you are not perfectly satisfied with results I will refund your money. If your blood is impure, or if you have Dyspepsia, or any liver or stomach troufail to use Munyon's Paw-Paw. It cures Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Catarrh, Sleeplessness and makes you strong and -MUNYON: Munyon's Paw-Paw Tonic sold by all druggists. Paw-Paw Laxative Pille, 25c.
a bottle. THE WASHINGTON POST: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1904. OF CRACKSMEN Baltimore Police Think They Have Chief of Gang. DOGS CAUSE OF HIS ARREST Two Pets Enabled Officers to Trace Morgan and His Wife from One House to Another in Their Flight-Habeas Corpus Proceedings Begun for Twelve Men Arrested for Bank Robberies. Special to The Washington Post.
Baltimore, Dec, Morgan, believed by the' police to be the chief of the gang.of -cracksmen who operated at La Plata and Mount Airy, wag arrested here this morning by a squad of police and detectives. He and his wife have been hunted for persistently since the Arst arrests, and were finally traced by the two dogs, which they took them in their flight from their first residence here, to 2002 Ridgewood avenue, where they were arrested. Mrs. Morgan, when she heard the of-1 ficers. entering the hall, hastily threw a blanket over her husband, who was reclining on a sofa.
She then threw herself on the blanket and pretended, to be asleep. The detectives Morgan was in the room, having peered through a window, and Detective Burns exclaimed: "Get up, Morgan; we know you are under there." Morgan threw himself from the sofa and attempted to draw a 44-caliber revolver, whieh was in a holster strapped around his waist. His wife, who had been thrown to floor as he rolled from the sofa, and the blanket, which had caught in the heel of his shoe. impeded his movements. Before the revolver was half way from the the officers were on him and the handcuffs clicked over his wrist.
Refused to Talk. Morgan and his wife were taken at once to police headquarters, where Marshal Farnan, Deputy Marshal Manning, and Captain of Detectives Pumphrey attempted "sweat" them, but neither the man woman would talk. Both prisoners are now locked up in the central station. On the docket Morgan is charged with burglariously entering the Mount Airy (Carroll County) Bank last Thursday morning. When Morgan was searched at police headquartera a bag containing $209.11, a 44-caliber revolver and two watches, one a lady's gold.
watch, with a diamond set in the pack, was found in his clothing. Morgan is twenty-four years old; his wife is twenty-two. The alleged leader of the yegg gang is well dressed and appears to be intelligent. Twelve of the alleged veggmen who were arrested in Capt. Pumphrey's grand round-up several days ago swore out writs of habeas corpus in the City Court to-day through Mr.
Harry B. Wolf, their attorney, claiming that they were being illegally held by Marshal of Police Farnan, and demanding their liberty. -Including Mrs. Morgan, who is held in the Centrai police station, there are tonight in all twenty-five persons in custody here on charges of being implicated in bank and pest-office robberies at points in Maryland, West Delaware, Virginia, Virginia, North and Soutn Carolina. A Chain of Evidence.
The authorities are apparently forging a chain of evidence against several of the men, and expect to prove that they have captured a gang of safe blowers nutorious in all parts of the country. The man who gave his name as John Smith when arrested last Thursday, was, the police say, positively identifled to-day as "Frisco for whom it is said the police authorities in several cities are on the lookout. Others of the prisoners are thought to be "wanted" in other 'eections of the country, but the officials prefer to hold their own counsel, and while they admit that the photographs and Bertillon recorde may tally with some of them, they prefer not to talk until after the hearing on January 9 of next year, when it is pected they will be enabled to present tangible evidence. aguinst a number of the men. United States Postal Inspector Gregory, of Charleston, S.
is expected in Bultimore to-morrow, and it' is. understood will be an important witnees againat several of. the prisoners, who, the detectives say, will be charged with robbing United States post-offices. Implication- in Murder Charged. Special to The Washington Post.
Frederickaburg, Dec. W. C. Bond, of Orange County, arrested late Saturday evening George Davenport and Lewis Davenport, brothers, aged twenty-one and twenty-three years, respectively, on the charge of being implicated in the murder of John Hume, who was found dead near the roadside in the vicinity of Rhoadesville, In Orange County, several weeks ago, The prisoners were taken to Orange Court House for trial. New City Clerk for Annapolis.
Special to The Washington Post. Annapolis, Dee. the regular meeting of the olty counell to-night Capt. P. Biwood Porter was unanimously elect: ed elty clerk to sueceed Louis B.
Clayton, whose resignation was tendered. at the last meeting two weeks ago. Capt. Pula tor has served the elty In this empaeity during several terms in the past, amount: IRE 10 about fourteen years' servlee. The elerk' resignation effeet January 1.
Injunction in Trademark Case, Special to The Washington Post: Norfolk, Ver Dee. 18. -Pie petition Aaron Blumenthal and M. L. Hickert, 41 Atlanta, manufacturers of a brand of whisky, for An injunction restraining Nicholas Leonard, of Phoebus, from using their trademarks and labels was granted in the United States court to-day, The Injunction is only temporary, pending a nearing January 16.
the petitioners being required to give bond for $10,000. Granted Absolute Divorce. Special to The Washington Post. Newport Newa, Dec. W.
Mulford, claim agent of the Richmond Passenger and Power Company of Richmond, was, granted an absolute divorce from his wife in the Corporation Court here to-day. The suit was on the ground of desertion. Sailor Accused of Mutiny. Special to The Washington Post. Newport News, Dec.
is the charge against Nalmond James, a mulatto sallor from the schooner Joseph -B. Thomas. The man is alleged to have assaulted the mate. James says he struck the mate in self-defense. Text Books for Virginia Schools.
Special to The Washington Post. Richmond; Dec. State board of education will meet in this city Thursday to select a duplicate list of text books for use in the high schools of the State and as supplementary text books in other schools. Criminal Assault Charged. Special to The Washington Post.
Newport News, Dec. E. Vaughan, a young white man, who clainis Richmond as his home, was indicted here to-day on the charge of criminally saulting Florence Roberts several weeks ago. Mrs. McMahone's Residence Burned.
Special to The Washington Post. Lynchburg, Dec. restdence of Mrs. M. V.
McMahone, near the Virginia Christian College, was burned to ROYAL Baking Powder Is made of pure cream of tartar and safeguards the family against alum. ROYAL BAKING POWDER NEW YORK. James C. Gossom, both of Prince, William County, were married a ago at Antioch Baptist Church, in that county, Rev. W.
C. Lowe officiating. Miss Ruth Davis, of Baltimore, was maid of honor, and Frank best man. The ushers were John Gossom. Herman Shirley, Randolph Smith, and French Davis.
SHOT ACCIDENTALLY. Young Man's Pistol Discharged, Possibly with Fatal Results. Special to The Washington Post. Richmond, Dec. wound which will probably prove fatal was inflicted accidentally upon himself yesterday by Gordon R.
Kelley, a young militiaman, who resides a short distance from Richmond. Mr. Kelley was out for a walk along the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad with a party of young men. He carried his pistol of .38 caliber in a leather holster strapped to his side. Unbuckling it to aid in building a fire, the weapon fell from ties.
The hammer squarely, and 2 Kelley's hands and struck, on one of the cartridge was exploded. The heavy bullet struck the soldier just below the breastbone passed through his body, ranging upward. Although knocked down by the shock, young Kelley rose to his feet and walked, with some assistance, to his home, a mile away. To-day his condition is serious, as the bullet is thought to have pierced his liver. Kelley is a corporal in Company Seventieth Regiment.
TEN MILLIONS IN BONDS. Transfer of the Chesapeake Transit Company to Norfolk and Southern. Special to The Washington Post. Norfolk, Dec. details of the purchase by the Norfolk and Southern Railway, of the Chesapeake Transit Company, were completed to-day, when deeds were fled in the County Court of Norfolk and Princess Anne, and also in the municipal courts here.
Among the papers filed is a new mortgage: providing for the issue of $10,000,000 in bonds by the Norfolk and Southern, of which only $4,000,000 are to be issued at this time to take up the outstanding bonds of the company and to pay for the Chesapeake Transit Company's property. The bonds are also for electrification of the Virginia Beach division, and also to broad guage the Washington and Plymouth division. It is stated that the company 1s planning other extensions, and will allot the them remainder of the bond issue according to mileage of the system. WOUNDS PROVED FATAL. Fulcher, Shot by Burnett at Richmond, Dies in Hospital.
Special to The Washington Post. Richmond, Dec. the result of a wound inflicted two months ago, J. H. Fulcher is dead at a hospital here, and his slayer, E.
C. Burnett, has been rearrested and released one bond. Fulcher a was a man gigantic size and uncertain temper. Believing that Burnett was paying attention to Mrs. Fulcher, he attacked him a saloon October 3 and endeavored to strangle him.
Burnett, who is quite small, struggled desperately, but finding that his situation becoming desperate, he drew a pistol and Ared four times with the muzzle almost touching his assailant. Two bullets made serious wounds, one entering the stomach and the other the chest. Force had to be used to get the man to a hospital, he having declared that he wanted to die. Death of Gen. D.
H. Hill's Widow. Special to The Washington Post. Raleigh, N. Dec.
Isabella Hill, widow of Confederate Lieut Gen. Daniel Harvey Hill, died here to-day of heart disease. aged eighty. Her maiden name was Morrison, and she was born at Dawson, near Charlotte. Three sons survive her, Prof.
D. H. Hill, of the North Carolina Agricultural and Mechanical College; Chief Justice Hill, of Arkansas, and D. R. HIll, of California.
Chief Justice HIll arrived to-night. Mra. Stonewall Jackson, of Charlotte, 11 sister of Mre. Hill, came here ten days ago. Mra.
Hill WAM a prominent Daughter of Revolution and also a Daughter of the Confed. eracy. Veterans and Daughters will participate services here to-morrow. The burial will be at Davidson Wednesday afternoon. Drowned in Ferry Dock.
Special to The Washington Post. Norfolk, Dec. Riddick, residing at Bowers Hill, in Norfolk County, was drowned to-night in the ferry dock while attempting to leap to the wharf from a ferry steamer moving out of the deck. Riddick lingered on the steamer and never discovered that the boat was in motion until the steamer began pulling out. His body has not yet been recovered.
Acquitted of Killing Brother-in-law. Special to The Washington Post. Richmond, Van Dee. 12-Calvin Moore, who killed James 1: Boyle, his brother-In-law, was acquitted this after: HUOR: Boyle, who was a powerful mah, while drunk attacked Moore, and the late ter shot him: Death of Rev, Marten L. Young, Special to The Wamhington Post: Oumperland, Dee.
Rev. Martin Young, Ph. pastor of At. Ate: phen's Lutheran Church, Cumberland, died this morning, after an Illness of ten days, from appendicitis, aged fifty years. He was born near Middletown, where his remains will be taken after fune.
ral services evening in St. Ste. phen's Church. Rev. Dr.
Young was a graduate of Pennsylvania College and Gettysburg Seminary, He was ordained in 1878. Dr. Young is survived by his widow, the only daughter of Rev. L. Manu, D.
pastor of St. John's Luther. Church, Cumberland, to whom he Was married in July, 1903. Caught by Sail and Killed. Newbern, N.
Dec. 12-Capt. John Franklin of the schooner Ivy Blades, was accidentally killed en his vessel in Pamlico Sound Saturday morning at 4 o'clock. Owing to change of wind he was shifting sail from one side to the other. It came back, entangled him, and swayed violently back and forth, beating him on the deck until he was injured so severely that he lived but two hours.
Mate A. E. Mann, the captain's cousin, brought the vessel to Newbern. Capt. Mann's body was sent to his home at Elizabeth City.
Masonic Temple for Raleigh. Special to The Washington Post. Raleigh, Dec. Masonic temple committee of the North Carolina Grand Lodge met here this evening and decided to begin work in the early spring on the temple, which is to be located within one block of the State capitol. The building is to cost $125,000, of which $106,000 is in hand.
Brooks' Condition Unchanged. Raleigh, N. Dec. Herbert H. Royster, who remained with H.
Mortimer Brooks at Pittsboro, reports to-night that there is little change in the condition of the wounded man. Mr. Reginald Brooks and. Dr. Folk left for New York this afternoon INCENSED AT FACULTY Junior Virginia Polytechnic Class Resigns.
OFFICER HANGED IN EFFIGY Members of the Class Resented the Expulsien of Two Cadets- Institute, It Is Expected, Will Take Similar Action -Students Claim that the Dismissal of Fellow-members Was Unjustifiable. Special to The Washington Post. Richmond, Dec. hundred twenty-five boys, whole junior class of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute at Blacksburg, resigned this afternoon, and all will leave for their homes tomorrow. The sophom*ore class, although it has far taken no radical action, is considering making the same move.
The trouble arose from the expulsion last week of Bolling Coulter, of the junior sophom*ores. was the susof Corporens Miller, of the pension on an electric wire near the purade grounds of a stuffed uniform labeled "'J. S. These the initials of the commandant of cadets. Coulter admitted having taken part, and Miller was expelled because to he had been ur cognizant of the fact, and, as an officer, had not prevented it.
The boy's held that the. matter was a piece of fun, but the faculty contended that to hang an officer in effigy was a serious matter. Juniors Held a Caucus. The juniors held a caucus and notified the faculty that if Coulter was not reinstated they would resign Monday. They kept their word.
Among the cadets who have left are boys from all parts of the State. It is said that several have left or been expelled prior to this trouble, and that the number, 750, with which the session started, has been considerably reduced. A. F. Cordes, a well-known business man here, has withdrawn his son from the Polytechnic Institute on account of the hazing there.
He said to-night that his son had been painfully bruised and beaten. Complaints relative to the quality of the food furnished the cadets have aiso been made. VIRGINIA OBITUARY. Richmond, Dec. Elizabeth H.
Wilson died here early to-day, aged eighty years. Roanoke, Dec. Hairston, son of Judge N. H. Hairston, died to-day from an attack of locomotor ataxia, aged twenty-seven years.
Newport News, Dec. 12. -Mra. T. B.
Mouring, Three years old, died suddenly of heart disease to-day. A hugband and four children survive her. Heathsville, Dec. George Chenning, aged twenty-two years, died at his home Merry Point, Lancuster County, Saturday morning, after a brief illness, of erysipelas. Fredericksburg, Dec.
Brooks died a few days ago at his home near Morrisville, in his eighty-ninth year. He was one of the oldest citizens of Lower Fauquier County. Fredericksburg, Dec. H. Jefferson, of the Lower Northern Neck, died last week after a brief illness of typhoid pneumonia, aged sixty-three years.
He is survived by a widow. Chatham, Dec. B. Cumbin, of Pittsylvania County, died Sunday after a short illness. He was eighty-seven years old, and was never attended by a physician until his last illness.
Fredericksburg, Dec. William Gooch, of Orange County, died Friday at her home near Antioch Church, in that county. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, several sons. Heathsville, Dec. T.
D. Ficklin, wife of T. D. Ficklin, one of the most prominent merchants of this section, died at her home near Millenbeck Saturday, of pneumonia. She leaves a husband and several children.
Richmond, Dec. Herbert B. Davis died yesterday in Atlanta. She was a daughter of Rev. A.
R. Holderby, pastor of Moore Memorial Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, and a sister of Mr. A. R. Holderby, business manager of the Richmond Times-Dispatch.
She was twenty-nine years old, and leaves a husband and one child. Richmond, Dec. Bickerton L. Winston, a former legislator, member of the State Democratic committee, and well-known physician, is dead at his home In Hanover County, in his forty -ninth year. leaves a widow and seven children.
He was a brother of Philip Winston, former mayor of Minneapolis, Woodstock, Dec. M. J. Good, a prominent minister of the German Baptint Church, and elder in the Black Rock dietrict, died yesterday nt him near Newmarket, aged seventy years. He was a native of Rockingham County and married a Misa Gochenour, of Shonandoah County.
Ho la survived by a HOn and a daughter. Woodstock, Dec. T. J. Adams died last night at the residence of his couain, Miss Nan Quick.
at Quick burg. Shenandoah County. He was aged about seventy- years. Death was due to heart trouble from which he had been 111 for a short time, During the civil war he organized Company which was Get a Bottle of HENTZ'S CURATIVE BITTERS Free To-day To help along the gospel of "cheer up" and prove to everybody on bad terms with his stomach that Hentz's Curative Bitters is the best cure in the world for dyspepsia, stomach troubles, and nervousness a FREE DISTRIBUTION will be made to-day and tomorrow at Affleck's Drug Store, 1429 Pa. Ave.
N. W. All you have to do is to All out this coupon and present it at the store in order to get a free bottle. Hentz's Curative Bitters COUPON. Please give me a free bottle of Hentz's Curative Bitters.
I suffer Name Address Hentz's Bitters is no new thing. but a remedy with a record of a century. It is for the sake of those people who don't know of its goodness that this opportunity is offered of testing its merit without cost. If your digestion is not in perfect working order or you are troubled with nervousness or sleeplessness, get a bottle to-day. listed in the Twenty-third Virginia Cavalry under Col.
White's command. He was a native of Frederick County, but at the close of the war located at Quicksburg. He was a member of Turner AshConfederate Veterans, of Winchester. He was unmarried and leaves a considerable estate. Fredericksburg, Dec.
-The remains of Eugene Broaddus, son of the iate S. B. Broaddus, Caroline County, who died Saturday at the home of his brother, T. J. Broaddue, in Washington, of consumption, aged thirty-five years, were brought here to-day and taken to his former home for interment.
He is survived by four brothers and two sisters. Leesburg, Dec. Estelle Penuel, wife of Dr. A. L.
Penuel, a well-known dentist of this town, died on Sunday night at her home on Market street after. a long illness from a complication of diseases. She was formerly a McArthur, of Leesburg, and ig survived by her husband and a daughter and other near relatives in this Fredericksburg, Dec. M. Emily Mander, a daughter of Mr.
Charles Mander. of this eity, and for many years a well-known and popular teacher in the public schools here, died at Garfield Hospital, Washington, yesterday morning after having undergone a serious surgical operation. Miss Mander was a sister of Mr. E. F.
Marder, the master of trains of the New York division of the Pennsylvania Railroad. and of Capt. C. W. Mander.
of Alexandria. Her remains will be brought here for interment. RECOVERED THE BODIES. Men Lost While Duck Hunting Drowned in Three Feet of Water. Wilmington, Dec.
searching party, sent out by the Knights of Pythias, to. which order one of the drowned men belonged, to-day recovered the bodies of Attorney John H. Gore and John Brewer, of Franklin, who were drowned in the storm Saturday night, while duck hunting in the marshes of Cape Fear River, five miles below Wilmington, that while clinging their canoe, The condition of the bodies tondicated had been capsized, they fell exhausted in three feet of water and were drowned or frozen to death. ALEXANDRIA NEWS IN BRIEF George Carter and Winter Crupper Indicted for Robbery. Grand Jury Also Returns True Bills Against John Thomas and John Gordon on Similar Charge.
WASHINGTON POST BUREAU, 621 King Street, Alexandria, Va. The young white man who was arrested in this city Sunday night on a charge of breaking into and robbing freight cars, and who gave his name as George Carter, though he travels under such aliases as Fitzhugh Lee Weems, Fitzhugh Willlams, Joe Neal, was a arraigned in the Police Court yesterday. He pleaded guilty to the charge and was sent on to the grand jury, which was in session, and which promptly returned against him a true bill on an indictment prepared by State's Attorney Brent. Winter Crupper, al night watchman in the freight yards adjacent to this city, was arrested SunGay night shortly after Carter was locked up, and it. was understood that he had been connected with robberies of cars in a statement made by Carter.
When Crupper was arraigned in the Police Court he was dismissed on the ground that there was not sufficient evidence to connect him with the thefts, but subsequently the grand jury took up his case, found a true bill against him, and he was then brought before the Corporation Court, where bail in' the sum of $1,000 was required. Crupper furnished the necessary security and was released. As stated important witness in the case of Moryesterday, Carter was looked da upon as an decal Hurst, a Fairfax County constable, who was arrested several weeks ago on a charge of purchasing goods that had been stolen from freight cars, but he disappeared about the time of Hurst's arrest. He was arrested in Richmond, broke jail on the night of December 4, and was rearrested here. Efforts to surround the arrest of Crupper and the rearrest of Carter here Sunday night with a vell of mystery somehow went awry.
Carter was delivered at police headquarters by Officer Young and Crupper by Officers Young and Allen, but it was claimed yesterday that Carter was arrested by Constable Hurst and turned over to State's the custody of Officer Young. Attorney a Brent, who delivered him into The Strauss grand jury, with ex- Mayor Henry am foreman, yesterday returned true bills against John Thomas, colored, and John Gordon, white, indicted for breaking Into and robbing treight care in the B. O. yards here, and Alfonso Dantonio, Indicted for assaulting and whooting James Winkfleld, colored. Thomas and Gordon pleaded guilty and were sentenced to Herve two years ench in the penitendiary.
The grand Jury will be in seasion again to-day. James Dooms and Richard C. Cox, the two members of the Forty-seventh Company, Coast Artillery, who were arrested Saturday night on complaint of Jesse Battenfeld, a member of the same command, who charged them with forcibly taking from him $3, were arraigned in the Pollee Court yesterday morning and fined $50 each. In default of payment, they will spend six months in jail. Mr.
R. C. L. Moncure, who last spring purchased the Alexandria Times, has sold the plant to Mr. Alexander Wedderburn, who next Sunday will issue the first copy of a weekly paper to be known as the Alexandria Sunday Times, Mr.
Wedderburn is known as a hustling newspaper hian, and his new venture should prove a success under such able management. At the annual meeting of the stoeltholders of the Standard Brick Company, held in this elty, yesterday, these directors were eleeted for the ensulne yeari Agnew, Holbrook, Frederick Mertens. dr Rogers, W. F. Walker, and H.
P. West. Myron, the year old son of Mr. James died Bunday night at the home of his parents. On Bouth Fayette street.
Medical Beard to Meet. Special to The Washington Post: Richmond, Dee. The medical examining board of Virginia will meet here to-morrow for a three days' session. There are a number of applicants for licenses to practice medicine, SPECIAL APPEAL DENIED. Gassenheimer's Second Trial Proceeds in Justice Wright's Court.
Samuel Gassenheimer's' application to the District 'Court of Appeals for a special appeal from the decision of Justice Wright, of the District Supreme Court, overruling his motion for a transfer of his case in the Criminal to another justice of the Supreme Court for retrial, was denied yesterday, and second trial under the indictment charging Gassenheimer with receiving embezzled railroad tickets was begun in Criminal Court No. 1, and was well under way before the adjournment for the day. Knocked Down by Runaway. Edward Carroll, a student at the Georgetown University Hospital, was knocked down a by a runaway horse at corner of Ninth and streets northyesterday, He escaped with slight bruises. A short distance farther the runaway collided with another wagon, and was slowed down, so that William Porter, of 456 street northwest, who was passing, caught it.
A man who gave his name as Mr. Brock, claimed the runaway horse after It had been taken to the First precinct police stotion. Benefit for Locked-out Tile Layers. The stag party of the Encaustic Tile Layers' Union. which was postponed from November 25, will be given at TypographIcal Temple next Friday evening.
The affair is for the beneft of the "locked out" men' of the craft, a and a feature of the occasion will be the hiding of a $5 billy which will belong to the finder. An elaborate programme has been arranged for the evening. 000000 Interesting Specials from the your headquarters for Xmas Gitts--nothing makes a better or more appropriate Gift than fine Stationery. A few -everything must go. Blank Memorandum Books Such an opportunity was never before offered the people of Washington.
Make the Store RUPP ST STOCK. Sale Now On at 421 lIth Street. Half-price Sale of 000000001 All Rulings. All Sizes. All Bindings.
$5.00 Blank Books. $2.50 25c and 30c Memorandum 75c Scrap 35c Books 15c $1.50 75c 50c Memorandum 25c $1.00 Scrap 50c 60c and 75c Memorandum $1.25 and $1.50 Scrap Books 75c $1.00 Blank 50c Books 35c Other Scrap Books at vari60c and 75c Blank Books. 40c $1.00 Memorandum Books. 50c cus prices. All the Box Newest Tints Papers.
and Sizes, Quarts Standard Makes of Inks. 25c and kinds 15c Pints 15c 25c 30c Half IOC 40c and 50c kinds 25c. 6oc and 75c kinds 35c Inkstands 25c 15C $1.00 kinds. 60c 50c 30c $1.25 and $1.50 75c of All Kinds: 75c 40C $1.50 and $1.75 kinds. $1.00 60c Hurd's, Whiting's, Crane's, and Ward's High-grade Writing Papers at One-half the Original Cost.
Remember: R. P. ANDREWS Sale Takes Place at 421 11th St. PAPER 0000000000000000000 CO. 8 0000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 MIDSHIPMAN SUMMONED.
Naval Cadet Mann Accused of Assaulting Boy on Franklin Field. Special to The Washington Post. Annapolis, Dec. Richard R. Mann, a Presidential appointee to the Naval Academy, has received notice, to appear in the Police Court of Philadelphia on January 9 next to answer to the charge of assaulting John Lyons, a tenyear-old Philadelphia lad, the alleged assault having taken place on Franklin Field just at the close of the army-navy football game.
on November 26. The boy received a broken leg as the result of the affair. It is asserted that young Lyons grabbed the megaphone from Midshipman Mann, and that the latter merely tried to recover It, and in so doing tripped the lad down. the fall resulting in a broken leg. The injury, it is claimed, was en: ly accidental, and Midshipman Mann regretted very much the serious consequences to the boy.
Midshipman Mann is a member of the second class. COUNTY TREASURER MISSING. Shortage of $60,000 in Accounts of Logansport, Man Alleged. Logansport, Dec. Treasurep Frank Obenchain has been missing for two weeks.
To-day his bondsmen placed Jacob Guthrie in charge, pending an accounting. It is known there is il large shortage, which is estimated in the neighborhood of $60,000. Obenchain, it 13 said, has been heavily interested in Vir ginia oil companies. was elected treasurer four years ago. His term expires January 1.
Urge Duty on Liner's Repairs. New York, Dec. Central ernted Union decided at a meeting to ask President Roosevelt to compel the owners of the steamer St. Louts, due here from Southampton later in the month, to pay tariff on the new material used in making repairs on the steamer on the other side of the Atlantic. The cost.
of the repairs is said to have been more than $500,000. JURY FAILED TO AGREE. Retrial Will Be Had of Larceny Charge Against Robert W. Griffin. Justice Gould last night discharged the jury in Criminal Court No.
2 from further consideration of the case of Robert W. Griffin, who was tried yesterday under an indictment for larceny August 9 last. of two diamond rings from F. Warren Johnson. The jury was locked in its room from early in the afternoon until about 8 o'clock in the evening, when they stated to the judge, who had gone to the courthouse to receive their verdict.
that there was no hope of an agreement being renched. It was claimed by the prosecution that Griffin, who is a veteran of the SpanishAmerican war, secured the two rings, valued at $400, from Johnson contract of conditional sale, whereby the title was left in the latter. The defendant. it is alleged, pawned one of the rings and went to Francisco and thence to New Mexico. was brought back to WashSure ington on a requisition.
Griffin claimed that on account of his defective eyesight, he did not read the contract, and that he understood the transaction to be an absolute sale. It was explained that he had used the money procured by the pawning of the ring, which was recovered from Pawnbroker Heidenheimer, to go West, as he had been ordered to do by an eye specialist in New York. Justice Gould remanded Griffin to Jail. and Assistant United States Attorney Proctor. who.
with Assistant U'nited States Attorney Bingham, conducted tho prosecution, announced that caNe would be called for re-trial in the near future. Thief with Varied Tastes. police are searching for thief whose varied tastes impelled him to steal novel lint of articles from the store of Elmer H. 407 n-halt street northwest. The report of the robbery WItH made yesterday, but Fancy Groceries.
Figs, Dates, Jellies, Currants, Mixed Nuts, Raisins, At saving prices. GREAT ATLANTIC PACIFICTE1 CO. Main Store, Cor. 7th and Sts. DIAMOND YES.
Change the old Waist or Dress into the new. Good c'oth lasts many seasons, while fashions and colors change. We have a special derirtment of advice, and will answer free qusetions about dyeing. Send sample of goods when possible. Direction bouk and 40 dyed samples free.
DIAMOND DYES. Burlington, Vt. members of the firm do not know just when within the past three weeks the theft wax One silver milk pitcher, 010 pearl handle revolver. vIle tripod for camera, and one coal scuttle formed the booty. future.
Fed-to-day The Babe's Clothing Ignites from Stove. White playing in the kitchen at his home yesterday John Thomas, two yeura old, got too close to the stove, and him dress caught die. He was painfully burn. ed on the face and arm before his mother could extinguish the fames. SYRUP OF To sweeten, Dispels colds and To refresh, headaches when To cleanse the bilious or consystem, stipated; Effectually For men, women and Gently and children; There is only Acts best on one Genuine the kidneys Syrup of Figs; and liver, to get its bene- stomach and ficial effects bowels; Always buy the genuine Manufactured by the FIG SYRUP Louisville, Ky.
San Francisco, Cal. New The genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale by all first-class druggists. The full name of the company- California Fig Syrup Co. -is always printed on the front of every package. Price Fifty Cents per bottle..