The Homeschool Resource Room Insider: Video Podcasts - The Homeschool Resource Room (2024)


The Homeschool Resource Room Insider: Video Podcasts - The Homeschool Resource Room (2)

Your pressing homeschool questions answered in 5 mintues or less.

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Season 1 - Season 2

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Episode 1: Five Fast Facts & YOUR Homeschool Questions

Hey, I’m Ashley. This is episode 1, which includes five fast facts about me & what you can expect from this new channel.


We’re all about no-nonsense advice, secular resources, doing what’s best for YOU and your family, and answering your most pressing homeschool questions.


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Episode 2: Let’s Talk about Homeschool Socialization


Brought to you by: 7 Simple Ways to Get Your Kids EXCITED about Learning Today! Grab it here.


Looking for social opportunities for your kids? You’re not alone. This isn’t the easiest time to find new friends, but they’re out there!


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Episode 3: Bad Homeschool Advice PSA – Struggling Readers

Brought to you by: Homeschool Unit Studies eBook: A Hands-on, Whole-family education. Grab it here.


If you’ve had a kid struggle with reading, have you heard this advice? “Just keep reading together and make sure you have plenty of books at home.”Nice sentiment, bad advice. Try these three ideas instead.


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Episode 4: Can I Really Homeschool for Free?


Brought to you by: Ready Set Homeschool, a hands-on workbook that will have you ready to hit the ground running in just 5 days. Grab it here.


The short answer: no. Kids are expensive.The longer one? While you can find some wonderful free resources & curriculum, there are some other hidden costs associated with homeschooling that you might not have considered.


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Episode 5: How many hours does homeschool take?


Brought to you by: The Homeschool Portfolio; the Done-for-You Solution for Homeschool Compliance.Find it here.


The real answer: it takes as long as it takes for you to work through core curriculum and electives. It might even be different day-to-day depending on your schedule.But my guess? It will be far less than the 7-1/2 hours at the kitchen table.


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Episode 6: What if I need to QUIT Homeschool?


What do you do if homeschooling just… doesn’t work out? If you’re worried about quitting homeschooling before you even start, this one’s for you.
Let’s talk about how re-entering the public school system works. I know because we had to do it this year. Yikes. A little about WHY we decided to send 2 of my 3 kids back and what the process looks like.


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Episode 7: Can I Really Homeschool for Free?


Brought to you by our free ebook: 7 Simple Ways to Get Your Kids Excited About Learning TODAY! Grab your copy here.


Writing has always been the biggest sticking point for my oldest son. I’ve tried all kinds of curricula and a hundred different strategies to motivate him. Today I’m sharing two tips that really helped him turn the corner… finally. And is easy for me, to boot.


Links:Proud affiliate partner of WriteShop – check out their secular homeschool writing programs from primary through high school grades, here.

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Episode 8: Can I work full time and homeschool?!?


Brought to you by our Homeschool Unit Studies eBook, your guide to a hands-on, whole family education. Download a free chapter to get started.


Let’s talk learning differences. Think something is going on with your kid, but you’re not sure what? Maybe you asked the homeschool community for a little advice. Maybe you got the worst. advice. ever: Don’t do anything about it. It won’t matter anyway.


It’s time to squash this horrible advice with a homeschool PSA that is close to my heart.


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Episode 4: Can I work full time and homeschool?


Brought to you by: Ready Set Homeschool, a hands-on workbook that will have you ready to hit the ground running in just 5 days. Grab it here.


You work full time. Is it even possible to homeschool? Spoiler alert: Yes. Let’s talk about what it’s gonna take to make that happen.


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Episode 10: Let’s talk about homeschool FAILURE…


Brought to you by: Homeschool Unit Studies eBook: A Hands-on, Whole-family education. Grab it here.


This is one of the biggest fears of new homeschool parents. We worry that we will fail, if we just can’t hack it as homeschoolers, our kids will suffer. So will your child be held back? By-and-large, the answer is NO! Let’s take a look at why that is & a little about what to expect from your public school system.


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Episode 11: What if I need to QUIT Homeschool?


Homeschooling multiple kids is not for the faint of heart! How do you manage teaching all of your kids at once? I have two tips for you: using unit studies to teach your whole family together and a center rotation, which will give you more time to teach your kids individually.


Some how-to help to get you started:


Homeschool Unit Studies: Your Guide to a Hands-on, Whole Family Education



If you have a pressing homeschool question, Email me.

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Episode 12: Recommended Reading Programs for Dyslexia


Brought to you by the FREE resources at The Homeschool Resource Room. Sign up for VIP access to all our free printables.


Today we’re talking about the best homeschool reading programs for kids with dyslexia. I’ve got two recommendations that we’ve used, love, and I will whole-heartedly stand behind. Both are hands-on, multisensory, Orton-Gillingham based programs and both are fantastic in their own way.


Proud affiliate partner of these two fantastic, secular learn-to-read programs. Find out more directly on the websites:
All About Reading
Logic of English


If you have a pressing homeschool question, Email me.

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Episode 13: Can I work full time and homeschool?!?


Brought to you by our Homeschool Unit Studies eBook, your guide to a hands-on, whole family education. Download a free chapter to get started.


You’ve probably heard about different homeschooling styles. You might have even heard from helpful internet folks that there’s a particular homeschool style that Works. For. Everyone. I’m here to tell you – there’s no one one be-all, end-all homeschool style, and if you are using a style that isn’t working for you, it’s not YOU that’s the problem.


If you have a question, email me.

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Episode14: Homeschooling & Special Needs


Brought to you by: Ready Set Homeschool, a hands-on workbook that will have you ready to hit the ground running in just 5 days. Grab it here.


If you’re thinking about homeschooling your special needs child, this info is need. to. know. All about where to find resources in your city or state. You got this.


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Episode 15: So.. what is secular homeschool?


Brought to you by: Homeschool Unit Studies eBook: A Hands-on, Whole-family education. Grab it here.


If you’ve gotten some conflicting answers about what secular homeschool is, you’re not alone. Secular = non-religious, homeschool = home education. Buuuuut it’s a little trickier than that. Let’s talk about what secular homeschooling is and what it is not.


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Episode 16: Where are some places to find good free resources for homeschool?


Brought to you by the FREE resources at The Homeschool Resource Room. Sign up for VIP access to all our free printables.


Three places to find homeschool resources including one you might not have considered. With a little special attention paid to our current pandemic situation… Check out these suggestions.


If you have a pressing homeschool question, Email me.

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Episode 17: Can kids really learn from apps?


Brought to you by the FREE resources at The Homeschool Resource Room. Sign up for VIP access to all our free printables.


Not all educational apps are created equal, but your kids CAN learn a little something from them. They can also be motivational, helpful as a supplement, and a great filler when times get rough.

Our favorite links from a few of our affiliate partners and others:

Epic! Smartick Reading Eggs / Eggspress

Teach Your Monster to Read Starfall


If you have a pressing homeschool question, Email me.

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Episode 18: Bad Homeschool Advice – Kids Don’t Need Structure. Um…


Brought to you by our Homeschool Unit Studies eBook, your guide to a hands-on, whole family education. Download a free chapter to get started.


So, is structure bad for kids? No no no! Most kids crave and need a good amount of structure. In most cases, it’s the parents who reject it – not the kids…


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Episode19: Supplementing Virtual School


Brought to you by: Ready Set Homeschool, a hands-on workbook that will have you ready to hit the ground running in just 5 days. Grab it here.


What are the best supplements for virtual school? We like hands-on and EASY. My recommendation is to pick up a subscription box or two.


Everything you need, motivation in a box, educational, and fun. Some of our favorite sub boxes from our fantastic affiliate partners:

MEL Science

Kiwi Crate

Think Outside Boxes


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Episode 20: BEST teacher trick: Using Non Examples!!!


Brought to you by the FREE resources at The Homeschool Resource Room. Sign up for VIP access to all our free printables.


My hands-down BEST teacher trick: using non-examples. A great way to (1) figure out if your kid understands what you’re teaching, and (2) keep moving forward in your lesson without coming down on your kid.


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Episode 21: Working out a consistent routine on a flexible schedule.


Creating a homeschool schedule is key to keep things running smoothly, but what do you do if you have a fluctuating schedule? A couple scheduling work-arounds that will help you stay consistent – even when life is constantly changing.


If you have a pressing homeschool question, Email me.

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Episode 22: Finding an all-in-one, secular homeschool curriculum.


Secular homeschool curriculum can be a bit tricky to find. The program that we currently are using (and loving) for my 4th grader that also offers an all-in-one option is (our affiliate link) Moving Beyond the page.


Related links: Secular Homeschool Curriculum Guide

How to afford Moving Beyond the Page on a Budget


If you have a pressing homeschool question, Email me.

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Episode 23: Bad Homeschool Advice: “Just take a break.”


Have you heard this advice before? When things are tough in your homeschool, it’s best to just take a break. I whole-heartedly disagree. Don’t give up. Try something else. Try something new. Mix it up. When you really need a break, take one. But don’t up and quit when things are hard.


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Episode19: Supplementing Virtual School


Brought to you by: Ready Set Homeschool, a hands-on workbook that will have you ready to hit the ground running in just 5 days. Grab it here.


If you’re having trouble figuring out your state’s homeschool compliance laws, there’s one sure-fire place to get straight answers. Look for your state’s Department of Education website online & search for “home education.” Read the law for yourself, and if you don’t understand it – give them a call. This way you’ll know FOR SURE that you’re in compliance.


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Episode 20: BEST teacher trick: Using Non Examples!!!


Brought to you by the FREE resources at The Homeschool Resource Room. Sign up for VIP access to all our free printables.


Have a kid who won’t sit still? Our solution: don’t make them. As homeschoolers, we have the unique ability to allow our kids to freely move around and get the physical stimulation they need to help them focus on learning.


Find more tools for stimming here: 15 Sensory Toys for ADHD


If you have a pressing homeschool question, Email me.

Season 1 - Season 2

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Episode 26: Let’s Talk About Homeschool Curriculum


This season is all about finding the right curriculum for your family. I’ll be sharing end-of-year reviews for the curriculum we used that I would recommend.


Of course, I can’t try everything! And what works for us might not be the exact fit for you. To find more options and the perfect fit for your family, check out our Secular Homeschool Curriculum Guide.


If you have a pressing homeschool question, Email me.

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Episode 27:

WriteShop Review: An end-of-year review of WriteShop Junior


I’m so excited to share our year-end WriteShop review! This is my hands-down favorite homeschool curriculum that we used this year. Not only is this a thorough and easy to use program, but it got my son to ENJOY writing – a first for us!


I approached WriteShop about reviewing their product and received our copies free of charge. The following affiliate links lead to the WriteShop site. I highly, HIGHLY recommend this program for your language arts curriculum. You won’t be dissapointed!!


Take a placement test

WriteShop Junior

More about WriteShop on The Homeschool Resource Room


If you have a pressing homeschool question, Email me.

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Episode 28:

Phonics Books for Kids of All Ages: Decodable readers designed to help kids age 5-14 learn to read!


PhonicBooks has developed a line of decodable readers to support kids in building foundational reading skills. These are EXCELLENT, especially for older kids who need readers that look and feel like they are made for big kids and also need extra support for learning to read.


We received these books free-of-charge in exchange for a fair and honest review. We are thrilled with these series. Especially the Catch Up Books. For more information, check out the affiliate links below:


PhonicBooks Website

Beginner Readers (5-7)

Catch Up Books (8-14)


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Episode 29: Let’s Talk About Moving Beyond the Page


Moving Beyond the Page is a robust, literature based all-in-one homeschool curriculum that most resembles unit studies. Take a placement test and view their full curriculum and individual units through the affiliate link below. Also check out our post with more details about MBTP and how to make it more affordable for your budget.


Moving Beyond the Page Website

Making MBTP Affordable for Your Budget


If you have a pressing homeschool question, Email me.

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Episode 30: Let’s Talk About Logic of English


This year we used Logic of English Foundations with my kindergartner. It is a thorough, multisensory, Orton Gillingham based program that covers everything you need for language arts from learning to read to comprehension, handwriting, writing, spelling, and grammar.


We received this program free of charge in exchange for posting fair and honest review. You can find details about the Logic of English Foundations program and take a placement test through the affiliate link below:


Visit the Logic of English website

Recommendations for adjusting pacing

Read another review


If you have a pressing homeschool question, Email me.

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Episode 31: Let’s Talk All About Reading


This year we needed a separate, stand-alone, learn-to-read program for my daughter. She’s a very bright kid, but struggles with decoding (sounding out) and spelling phonetically. We landed on All About Reading and couldn’t be happier.


This program delivers consistent, engaging, multisensory instruction for learning to read. I would recommend it to families (especially families with multiple kids) who need a separate phonics program that will give your child a solid base in phonics and develop their fluency and spelling skills.


Full disclosure, we received this program free of charge in exchange for a fair and honest review. For more information about (affiliate link) All About Reading and to take a placement test.


If you have a pressing homeschool question, Email me.

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Episode 32: Let’s Talk About the PRIDE Reading Program


This year I was selected to receive a newer learn-to-read program to review, PRIDE Reading. After using this program with my kids, I found it to be a very thorough phonics program and the most supportive one I’ve seen for the parent-teacher.PRIDE is a structured curriculum that will work especially well for children struggling with reading due dyslexia or processing disorder(s).


The guidance and support for parents along with the solid, consistent instruction, and the affordability and compactness of this program will be appealing to many homeschool families. I highly recommend adding PRIDE Reading to your list of programs to check out for learning to read.



If you have a pressing homeschool question, Email me.

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Episode 33: Let’s Talk Nature Curriculum with THiNK OUTSiDE Subscription Boxes


THiNK OUTSiDE Boxes provide a subscription-box-based nature curriculum for homeschoolers. Consists of monthly boxes with seasonal hands-on activities, guides, and lesson plans that focus on the outdoors but also extend into other subjects. Full disclosure: we got to try this subscription out free of charge in exchange for posting a fair and honest review.


These are a fantastic solution for nature curriculum or to use as a supplement for a range of ages. You receive quality materials, a slew (!) of activities that cover science, STEM, character development, social studies, and the arts, and there are even lesson plans that go along with each monthly theme.


View THiNK OUTSiDE monthly themes and lessons online

Read another review


If you have a pressing homeschool question, Email me.

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Episode 34: Let’s Talk About Pandia Press: Real Science Odyssey & History Oddyssey


This year we tried two curricula from Pandia Press: Real Science Odyssey, History Odyssey, Ancients (lvl 2). Our experience & recommendations. (This post was not sponsored & we paid full price for our curriculum.) For more information or to purchase this curriculum visit:


For more information or to purchase this curriculum visit:
Pandia Press Home
Real Science Odyssey
History Odyssey


If you have a pressing homeschool question, Email me.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 5787

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.