The 7 Best Study Methods for All Types of Students - E-Student (2024)

“You must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.”

Richard Feynman

Choosing the correct study method is a crucial part of the learning process that students too often skip over. Picking the best study method for the situation can help students reach their full potential, while a poorly chosen study technique will kill any real progress, no matter how hard the student tries to study.

If you’re reading this article, you’re likely the exception, but the reality is that most students rely on ineffective study strategies. Researchers have found that between 83.6%and84%of students rely on rereading: a study method that providesminimal benefits.

There are far superior study methods out there than rereading. Methods that have been developed and researched by the world’s top learning scientists. Yet, surprisingly few students have ever heard of them. That is why utilizing them effectively will give you not only an edge but an entire leg up on the competition.

These are the seven best study methods all students should know about:

Best Study Methods

Spaced Repetition

Spaced repetition, sometimes called spaced practice, interleaved practice, or spaced retrieval, is a study method that involves separating your study sessions into spaced intervals. It’s a simple concept but a game-changer to most students because of how powerful it is.

To demonstrate how spaced repetition works, let’s bring a real-life example. Let’s say you have an exam coming up in 36 days, and your first study session begins today. In this situation, a well-optimized interval might be:

  1. Session 1: Day 1
  2. Session 2: Day 7
  3. Session 3: Day 16
  4. Session 4: Day 35
  5. Exam Date: Day 36

In a nutshell, it’s the opposite of cramming and all-nighters. Rather than concentrating all studying into a small time frame, this method requires you to space out your studying by reviewing and recalling information at optimal intervals until the material has been memorized.

In the 21st century, this technique has gathered increasing popularity, and it’s not without reason. Spaced repetition manages to combine all the existing knowledge we have on human memory, and it uses that knowledge to create optimized algorithms for studying. One of the most popular examples of spaced repetition algorithms is Anki, based on another popular algorithm, SuperMemo.

For example, there is no better study method for medical students than Anki-based flashcard decks. There are entire online communities surrounding medical school Anki. You can get a small glimpse of that by heading over to r/medicalschoolanki.

There, you’ll find a breadth of different medical school Anki decks to choose from, such as:

But, the power of spaced repetition is not at all only applicable to medical students. Anyone trying to become a better and more efficient learner can benefit from spaced repetition. Spaced repetition is used in conjunction with other study methods, and it’s especially powerful when combined with the following study method we’ll discuss: active recall.

Read more about Spaced Repetition →

Active Recall

Active recall, sometimes called retrieval practice or practice testing, is a study technique involving actively recalling information (rather than just reading or re-reading it) by testing yourself repeatedly. Most students dread the word “test” for good reasons. After all, tests and exams can be very stressful because they are usually the main point of measure for your academic success.

However, active recall teaches us to look at testing from another angle. Not only should we learn for tests, but we should also learn by testing.Through flashcards, self-generated questions, and practice tests, this study method uses self-testing to help your brain memorize, retain, and retrieve information more efficiently.

One study found that students who conducted only one practice test before an exam got17%better results right after. Two more studies conducted in2005and2012, plus a2017 meta-analysis,yielded similar results, finding that students who used active recall and self-testing outperformed students who did not.

If you’re practicing for an upcoming exam, there’s no better study method than active recall. By using active recall, you’re essentially testing yourself dozens of times over. If you conduct these practice tests over a long period of time through spaced repetition, you’ll be able to ace any exam without cramming.

Keep in mind, though, that while very effective, active recall is also one of the most tiring study techniques on this list. It requires strong mental focus, deep concentration, and intense mental stamina. Active recall is cognitively demanding, so don’t expect to breeze through your learning materials with this method.

Next, I’ll cover my favorite time management strategy for students: the Pomodoro method.

Read more about Active Recall →

Pomodoro Study Method

ThePomodoro study method is a time-management technique that uses a timer to break down your studying into 25-minute (or 45-minute) increments, called Pomodoro sessions. Then, after each session, you’ll take a 5-minute (or 15-minute) break, during which you entirely distance yourself from the study topic. And after completing four such sessions, you’ll take a more extended 15-to-30-minute break.

To try the Pomodoro technique without installing any software or buying a timer, I recommend you go to YouTube. YouTube is full of Pomodoro-based “study with me” videos from channels such as TheStrive Studies,Ali Abdaal, andMDprospect. Many of them include music, though, so if you’re distracted by music while studying, you might benefit from a purpose-built Pomodoro application such as TomatoTimerorRescueTime.

There are various benefits to using the Pomodoro method: it’s a simple and straightforward technique, it forces you to map out your daily tasks and activities, allows for easy tracking of the amount of time spent on each task, and it provides short bursts of concentrated work together with resting periods.

But, it’s also worth noting that the scientific evidence behind the Pomodoro method is mostly conjectural as there is little scientific research on its effectiveness. And another drawback of the Pomodoro study technique is that it’s not ideal for tasks that require prolonged, uninterrupted focusing. For these kinds of tasks, I recommend that you look into the closely related Flowtime method instead.

Despite that, though, I use the Pomodoro method on a daily basis myself, and it has become an integral and irreplaceable part of my workflow.

Read more about the Pomodoro Method →

Read more about the Flowtime Method →

Feynman Technique

TheFeynman Techniqueis a flexible, easy-to-use, and effective study technique developed by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman. It is based on a simple idea: the best way to learn any topic is by teaching it to a sixth-grade child.

While this concept is not as advanced as the super-optimized spaced repetition algorithms I covered earlier, it’s still a method that continues to be relevant nearly a century after its creation.

The Feynman Technique is a powerful learning tool that requires learners to step out of their comfort zone by breaking down even the most complex topics into easily digestible chunks. Digestible enough for the average sixth-grade child.

This may seem like an easy task at first. After all, how difficult could it be to explain something to a child? In practice, it can be very difficult because you have to simplify and explain everything in an age-appropriate manner. When you start using the method, you’ll quickly realize that unless you have fully mastered the topic, meeting a child at their level of understanding is not easy.

To explain something clearly, you need to define all unfamiliar terms, generate straightforward explanations for complex ideas, understand connections between different topics and sub-topics, and articulate what is learned clearly and concisely. The Feynman Technique forces you to learn more deeply and think critically about what you are learning, and that is also why it’s a compelling learning method.

Read more about the Feynman Technique →

Leitner System

TheLeitner System is a simple and effective study method that uses a flashcard-based learning strategy to maximize memorization. It was developed by Sebastian Leitner back in 1972, and it was a source of inspiration to many of the newer flashcard-based methods that succeeded it, such as Anki.

To use the method, you’ll first need to create flashcards. On the front of the cards, you’ll write the questions, and on the back, the answers. Then, once you have your flashcards ready, get three “Leitner boxes” big enough to hold all the cards you’ve created. Let’s name them Box 1, 2, and 3.

Now, you’re all set to start studying with your flashcards. In the beginning, you’ll place all cards in Box 1. Take a card from Box 1 and try to retrieve the answer from your memory. If you recall the answer, put it in Box 2. If not, keep it in Box 1. Then, you’ll repeat this until you’ve reviewed all the cards in Box 1 at least once. After that, you’ll start reviewing each box of cards based on time intervals.

Here’s an animation that shows how the Leitner System works:

The 7 Best Study Methods for All Types of Students - E-Student (1)

Besides card placement, another important detail of the system is scheduling. Every box has a set review frequency, with Box 1 being reviewed the most frequently as it contains all the most difficult-to-learn flashcards. Box 3, on the other hand, will contain the cards you’ve already recalled correctly, which is why it does not need to be reviewed as frequently.

If you’ve never heard of the Leitner system, you might be surprised to hear that some of the world’s biggest learning platforms, such as Duolingo, use a variation to teach hundreds of millions of students. It’s particularly effective at language learning due to the ease of creating translation-based flashcards.

While I love the Leitner System for its simplicity, I don’t use it often anymore due to the lengthy setup process, and other flashcard study methods, such as Anki, tend to be more time-efficient. But, if you prefer physical flashcards over virtual ones, you should consider using the Leitner system. It’s a beautiful study technique that has stood the test of time.

Read more about the Leitner System →

PQ4R Study Method

The PQ4R is a study method developed by researchers Thomas and Robinson in 1972 – the same year as the Leitner System was conceived. PQ4R stands for the steps used for learning something new: Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, and Review. It’s commonly used to improve reading comprehension and is an essential method for students with reading disabilities.

However, the usefulness of PQ4R is not restricted to students with reading disabilities. The same six steps can be taken by any student trying to understand better what they’re reading. Improving reading comprehension is a worthy goal for any student, and if you need to read through a massive textbook for an exam, the PQ4R method offers a practical framework. It will allow you to understand all the passages of the text better and help you retain the information better.

By improving our reading comprehension, we can better synthesize information and interpret text. However, we must be careful not to let this strategy consume too much of our time in study sessions. Many modern learning scientists consider reading a passive and ineffective study strategy, and it’s best to rely on other methods when you can.

While I don’t use this study method as frequently as most other methods on this list, I still consider it an important strategy in my skill set. Whenever I need to extract the most critical details from a large textbook, I bring out the PQ4R to help me get through the information quicker while boosting memorization and retention. The PQ4R is a good study method to have ready, but it’s not something you should view as your primary strategy.

Read more about the PQ4R Method →

SQ3R Study Method

The SQ3R study method was developed by Francis P. Robinson in1946and is the predecessor of the PQ4R method. It’s a time-proven study technique that can be adapted to virtually any subject. The method’s name stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review and it can be used to study anything quicker, better, and in a more structured way than conventional methods.

While groundbreaking for its time, the SQ3R study method has the same drawbacks as the newer PQ4R method. For one, it’s mainly used for improving reading comprehension, and reading is not considered an effective study strategy anymore. Another problem the method faces is that it lacks the “reflection” component that the newer PQ4R study method brings to the table.

In addition, three of the five steps of this method involve a passive approach (surveying, reading, and reviewing) rather than an active one. Modern learning theories suggest active retrieval is far better for information retention than passive reading. Thus, I recommend using this study method only when you don’t have the time to use a more robust method, such as spaced repetition.

SQ3R is best used when you have limited time to study, and your primary source of information comes from a textbook. In such cases, the technique can be very helpful for summarizing the key points written in the source material.

Read more about the SQ3R Method →

Now, it’s time to start wrapping up this article.

In conclusion, there are many excellent study methods you have to choose from as a student in the 21st century. The best one for you will depend on your learning style, the material you are studying, and how much free time you have. When possible, I recommend you study using a combination of spaced repetition, active recall, and the Pomodoro method. But the other strategies listed here certainly have their uses as well. Above all, try to be flexible and keep an open mind. In doing so, you’ll be able to maximize your learning potential.

The 7 Best Study Methods for All Types of Students - E-Student (2024)


The 7 Best Study Methods for All Types of Students - E-Student? ›

When using the 2357 technique, you revise your notes and study materials over and over again, following a set schedule. In simplest terms, you revise your initial set of notes on day one, take a second look on day two and day three, then revisit them on day five and day seven.

What is the 1 3 5 7 study method? ›

When using the 2357 technique, you revise your notes and study materials over and over again, following a set schedule. In simplest terms, you revise your initial set of notes on day one, take a second look on day two and day three, then revisit them on day five and day seven.

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The 123 method is simpler: On day one, you learn your material. On day two, you review it. Review it again on day three, then don't think about it for a week, at which point you'll review it again.

Which study method is best for students? ›

A list of the best study methods, including how-to guides and online tools that will help you build successful study habits.
  • The Feynman Technique.
  • The Pomodoro Technique.
  • The Leitner System.
  • Spaced Repetition.
  • The SQ3R Method.
  • The PQ4R Method.
  • Active Recall / Retrieval Practice.
  • The Blurting Method.

What is the 1 2 4 7 study method? ›

The 1-2-4-7 Rule:

Read a topic for the first time on day 1. Revise on day 2, then on day 4, then on day 7. This way, a topic is revised 3 times after the first reading, and there is an increasing gap between the two revisions gradually.

What is the 10 24 7 study method? ›

Here's the formula and the case for making time to review material: within 24 hours of getting the information - spend 10 minutes reviewing and you will raise the curve almost to 100% again. A week later (day 7), it only takes 5 minutes to "reactivate" the same material, and again raise the curve.

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This prevents your mind from convincing you otherwise and allows you to be more productive.

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Reading 3-2-1

When reading, have students record three of the most important ideas from the text, two supporting details for each of the ideas, and one question they have about each of the ideas.

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So, to help you make the most out of your study time, here are six tips to improve concentration:
  1. Identify the best environment to help you concentrate. ...
  2. Minimize distractions. ...
  3. Write a to-do list. ...
  4. Schedule study time. ...
  5. Make healthy snack choices. ...
  6. Take breaks.

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Having other people to study with means you can explain the material to one another, quiz each other, and build a network you can rely on throughout the rest of the class, as per the blog. The brain can absorb information upto a certain limit.

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Perhaps the most simple way of describing 'learning styles' is to say that they are different methods of learning or understanding new information, the way a person takes in, understand, expresses and remembers information. There are 4 predominant learning styles: Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinaesthetic.

What are 5 study strategies? ›

Top 10 study tips
  • Pick a place and time.
  • Study every day.
  • Plan your time.
  • Discover your learning style.
  • Review and revise.
  • Take breaks.
  • Ask for help.
  • Stay motivated.
Mar 13, 2018

Which method is not effective for studying? ›

Students often use ineffective learning strategies such as rereading, highlighting, underlining and cramming. Self testing is a relatively effective learning strategy. Students tend to underuse it or use it ineffectively. Spaced or distributed practice is an effective way to promote long term learning.

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Randomized controlled trials

If you want to know how effective a treatment or diagnostic test is, randomized trials provide the most reliable answers.

What is the 1 3 7 study method? ›

1-3-7-21 Revision technique: After first read, revise whatever you read the very next day, then 3 days after; then again 7 days after and then after 21 days. And voila, you'll never forget this for the rest of your life.

What is the 7-3-2-1 method of revision? ›

The 7-3-2-1 revision method is a widely used technique to remember things better. For example, if you learned something new today and want to remember it in the long run, you should read the topic today, tomorrow, the day after then on the 7th day from when you first read the topic.

What is the 5 4 3-2-1 study method? ›

Then, go through the following steps:
  1. 1: Acknowledge ONE thing you can TASTE.
  2. 2: Acknowledge TWO things you can SMELL. ...
  3. 3: Acknowledge THREE things you can HEAR. ...
  4. 4: Acknowledge FOUR things you can TOUCH around you. ...
  5. 5: Acknowledge FIVE things you SEE around you. ...


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