How to Hang Holiday Decorations without Damaging Your Front Door (2024)

How to Hang Holiday Decorations without Damaging Your Front Door (1)December is here and it’s not just the halls you want to deck… that front door could use a little holiday spirit, too!

But wait, before you get out the power tools or pick up a hammer, consider some alternative methods for displaying your holiday cheer. Here are four tips on how to hang your holiday decorations without damaging your front door:

Related Read: 4 Reasons to Replace Your Entry Door This Holiday Season

Use Fishing Line for Hanging

Got an extra roll of fishing line lurking in the garage? Put it to work for your wreath! First, loop fishing line through the wreath, then create two additional loops and place them through your wreath. Place one of these two loops over each top corner of the door, and, voila — your wreath appears to be “floating” on your door and there’s no damage to be found.

Removable Self-Adhesive Hooks

These are ideal for displaying holiday decor both indoors and out. Command Hooks by 3M are specially designed to hold items without doing any damage to the surface. It’s a good idea to estimate the weight for the item that you want to hang before selecting the hook, because each pack of Command Hooks will indicate how much weight it can bear.

Magnetic Wreath Hanger

If your door is made of glass or metal, you can use a magnetic wreath hanger. As with Command Hooks, you will want to make certain that the hanger you choose is sufficient to hold the weight of the wreath. How does a magnet work on glass? These magnets are double sided and one half goes on each side of the glass sandwiching it between. Because it has to hold the wreath through a layer of glass, you will probably be better off selecting a lighter-weight wreath.

Related Read: 6 Steps to Prepare Your Home & Wallet for Winter

Over-the-Door-Wreath Hanger

Last but not least, there is always the over-the-door wreath hanger, which you can find in plastic or metal. These work very similarly to the over-the-door clothes hangers you can hang clothes on, but they’re much longer for better placement of your wreath. One little secret to keep it from scratching your door with any swinging motion is to attach a piece of felt to the back of the hanger where it touches the door. Couldn’t be easier!

Does your front door need a facelift? It’s probably time to replace it! We replace entry doors, storm doors and so much more. Contact All-Weather online or give us a call at (913) 262-4380 for more information!

How to Hang Holiday Decorations without Damaging Your Front Door (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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