How to get Skillshare courses for FREE 2024 (2024)

If you’re a student, a professional, a creator, or just someone who wants to learn things, you must have come across Skillshare and must have thought “How to get Skillshare courses for FREE?”

During this era of multiple platforms for courses such as Udemy, Coursera, edX, and several others, it’s hard to pick one and be satisfied with it, and paying for all the platforms doesn’t seem practical unless you’re a millionaire or billionaire or just don’t care about money that much. Or like me, if you are a student and live in a country where making international payments is really difficult, alternatives would be better. I had the same problem so I did some research.

So can you get Skillshare courses for free? Yes, you can get Skillshare courses for free. To do so, you can use cookies. The details are in this article.

In the rest of this article, I’ll show you exactly how you can get any and all Skillshare courses for free without paying a penny. Follow along.

The steps are the same for both Skillshare and Udemy.
You can also get Udemy for FREE

Step 1: Open the latest version of Chrome.

Step 3: Install the extension to Chrome.

Step 2: Click on the Cookie-Editor extension.

Step 3: Click on “Delete All” to clear the cookie of

Step 4: Copy the below-given code.

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Step 5: Go back to

Step 6: Click on the Cookie Editor and click on “Import”.

Step 7: Paste the code you copied and then click on Import.

Step 8: Refresh the page.

Step 9: Congrats! You have Skillshare Premium for free. Enjoy!!

If you have any questions, feel free to drop a comment down below. Also, you can read the below-given articles.

How to get Skillshare courses for FREE 2024 (2024)


Is there a way to get Skillshare for free? ›

Get Started For Free With Skillshare's Online Classes

Start a free* trial of Skillshare to access thousands of online classes and find what fascinates you.

Is Skillshare not free anymore? ›

The question I get asked a lot is whether Skillshare is free. And the answer is no, it's not free. However, there are ways to take Skillshare classes at no cost, and in this article I will share them with you. Skillshare used to have a whole section of free classes, but unfortunately, they don't anymore.

How to download Skillshare videos for free? ›

Once you're connected to the internet, navigate to a class and toggle the Download Class button. Once all of the class lessons have downloaded, you'll be able to click and watch each video offline. Please note that videos are only available for download and offline viewing within the app at this time.

What is better than Skillshare? ›

The best overall Skillshare alternative is Pluralsight Skills. Other similar apps like Skillshare are LinkedIn Learning, Udacity, Codecademy, and Khan Academy. Skillshare alternatives can be found in Online Course Providers but may also be in Technical Skills Development Software or Learning Experience Platforms (LXP).

Is it worth paying for Skillshare? ›

Ultimately, paying for a Skillshare subscription will be worth it for some people and not for others. But with thousands of courses to choose from -- and a free trial -- there's no real downside to testing out the platform to see if it's right for you.

How to use Skillshare for free without credit card? ›

New members who click your free access link will be prompted to create a Skillshare account, but they won't need to enter any credit card information to watch your class. Existing members will be asked to sign in, but do not need an active subscription to watch via the free access link.

How much does Skillshare cost 2024? ›

Advantages of Skillshare

Another advantage of Skillshare is the cost of subscription. The platform offers a low-cost subscription plan compared to other e-learning platforms. The subscription fee is $168 annually, which is equivalent to $13.99 per month.

What are the disadvantages of Skillshare? ›

Is Skillshare Recognized/Accredited? Perhaps Skillshare's largest downside is that it is not recognized, accredited, or credentialed. So while you will learn from industry leaders and professionals, you will not receive a certificate or anything shareable. But you may be able to produce a great portfolio.

Can you browse Skillshare without a subscription? ›

Skillshare also offers a free trial period for new users, which gives them access to the platform's entire library of courses for 14 days. It's worth noting that some courses on Skillshare are available for free, so users can still access a limited selection of courses without paying for a subscription.

How to get premium courses for free? › is another great resource for finding free Udemy courses. This website aggregates and shares coupon codes and discounts for Udemy courses, allowing you to access premium courses for free or at heavily discounted prices.

How many days is Skillshare free? ›

Skillshare offers a 7-day free trial to all customers and at times a 30-day free trial for certain promotions. Any customer who signs up for a free trial can cancel at any time during the free trial period to not be charged.

What is the chrome extension for Skillshare free downloader? ›

Skillshare Free Downloader is a simple and effective tool that can help you save any Skillshare courses for free, without requiring a premium account. It can download videos in HD quality, with subtitles and captions, from any category or skill level, and from any instructor or creator on Skillshare.

Should I use Udemy or Skillshare? ›

Conclusion: The Final Verdict

Skillshare and Udemy both have a lot to offer but appeal to various audiences. Skillshare offers an unlimited access to thousands of its courses, making it a haven for continuous learners. Udemy has a bigger variety and suits those looking for specific courses.

Are some Skillshare classes free? ›

No, Skillshare classes and online courses are not entirely free to students. However, you can get unlimited access to its premium courses and exclusive content for a huge discount, a one-month free trial period, and one year of free premium membership.

Does Skillshare look good on resume? ›

However, your Skillshare skills can certainly make a difference. The perks of adding your Skillshare experience to your resume are: It'll set you apart from other job applicants as you'll have unique skills. Employers will see your willingness to learn and progress your skills.

Is Skillshare free for college students? ›

Skillshare is Not Free for Students

Students can get limited free access or a one-year scholarship from Skillshare, but they need to subscribe afterward. Skillshare subscription service is available for monthly and annual membership subscriptions.

How do I get the 3 month free trial of Skillshare? ›

Get started with a free trial - all you'll need is an email address. Join Skillshare for full access to over thousands of classes, along with other features like offline viewing, subtitles, transcripts, and more.

How much is Skillshare for one person? ›

After the trial, a monthly membership is $32 per month, and the annual Premium membership is $168 for the year (which breaks down to roughly $14 per month). You can also look into volume discounts for teams or discounts on products like Squarespace and Todoist Premium when you sign up for Skillshare.


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Views: 5694

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.