Foods Celiacs Should Never Eat Only Gluten Free Recipes (2024)

It is hard knowing what foods to avoid if you have celiac disease. It is one of the most common autoimmune disorders, yet many people are still unaware of it.

There are many misconceptions about it, such as that it’s just an allergy to wheat. So I’m going to help you get familiar with it by talking about what celiac disease is and how it affects your body to make an informed decision about whether or not to cut gluten from your diet.

Foods Celiacs Should Never Eat Only Gluten Free Recipes (1)

What is celiac disease?

According to theCeliac Disease Foundation, “Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune disease that occurs in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine.

It is estimated to affect 1 in 100 people worldwide. Two and one-half million Americans are undiagnosed and are at risk for long-term health complications.”

Celiac disease is an intolerance to gluten, a protein in wheat and other grains. When people with celiac disease eat foods that contain gluten, their immune system responds by damaging the lining of their small intestines.

The villi (tiny finger-like projections lining the small intestine) are flattened, limiting nutrient absorption, and can lead to a host of unpleasant consequences, from malnutrition to intestinal cancer.

Kris Gunnars on Healthline says, “Celiac disease is estimated to affect up to 1% of the U.S. population. It seems to be on the rise, and the majority of people with this condition do not know that they have it.”

What is gluten?

Gluten is a protein present in cereals like rye, barley, spelt, and wheat. It gives dough its viscoelasticity, a gluey texture where the name Gluten is derived.

It’s the stretchiness that chewy pretzels have, the chewiness that delicious baguettes are known for. Yet, so many people have to avoid it today.

Gluten is not a single molecule but an amalgamation of proteins. Although these proteins are essential for the survival of wheat plants, in humans, they may cause a range of health problems, including schizophrenia, irritable bowel syndrome, and weight gain. They may also contribute to autism and multiple sclerosis.


Facts that matter about celiac disease!

Due to the widespread misinformation and unawareness about celiac disease, there’s nothing I like more than coming across information that will help you and help your loved ones make important lifestyle decisions.

I hope that this information will help you get back to living healthy lives irrespective of the fact that celiac is present.

Below are some questions that people have asked about Celiac disease. I’ll provide helpful information that will clear any doubts and misinformation.

Celiac test – is it important?

Celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity (another type of disorder) present similar symptoms in the body. However, what they do to the body is different (

Hence, it is essential to carry out a celiac test. This test will ensure what is being presented via symptoms is celiac disease before starting a gluten-free diet.

The test is essential because many people with this disease do not know that they have it. Doing the test will bring that knowledge to the fore and help them make informed decisions on managing their health going forward.

Furthermore, starting a gluten-free diet before carrying out a celiac test can return your test results as normal, when in reality, celiac disease is present. The test is essential in determining whether an individual has celiac or just another autoimmune disorder.


Is celiac disease genetic?

Yes, celiac disease is considered a genetically hereditary disease. Celiac disease is an inherited autoimmune disorder that can develop at any age and at any time. People who have first-degree family members living with Celiac Disease have a one in ten risks of developing celiac disease. (Source:Celiac Disease Foundation)

The prevalence of the celiac disease, according toNationalCeliac.Org, is one in twenty-two persons for first-degree relatives: parents, children, siblings, and one in thirty-nine people for second-degree relatives, which are uncles, aunts, and grandparents.

Is celiac disease curable?

No, celiac disease is not curable. What is required to manage the condition and free the one with celiac disease of discomfort is to switch to a new diet type.

The only treatment for celiac disease involves following a strict gluten-free diet for life to prevent further inflammation of the small intestine.

This involves staying away from foods that contain gluten. These include barley, bulgur, durum, barley, rye, wheat and many more.


Is celiac disease an allergy?

No, celiac disease is not an allergy.Katarina Mollo, via NationalCeliac.Org, reiterates that celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that leads people with celiac to have an autoimmune reaction whereby their body produces antibodies once gluten is ingested.

An allergy, on the other hand, is different. Instead of referring to celiac disease as an allergy, we can call it some of its alternative names like celiac sprue and gluten-sensitive enteropathy.

Are all spices gluten-free?

Shelley Case on AllergicLiving.Comhelps us understand that individual spices do not contain any form of gluten. In exceptional cases, spice blends may be adulterated with wheat flour or starch to cut down costs.

Another factor that could lead to adulteration is the source of the spice. Depending on the source, cross-contamination with a gluten source may have occurred. This is rampant for spices fromthird-world countries.

How to live with celiac disease?

There is no known cure or medication for treating celiac disease. What has been known to help ease the situation and prevent further problems that having celiac can cause is to go on a gluten-free diet completely.

Eating gluten-free foods, drinking gluten-free drinks, sticking with a gluten-free diet, and ensuring that recipes used are gluten-free recipes is the only way to live with this disease.

As a celiac, staying away from gluten and sticking strictly to a gluten-free diet will provide your small intestines with time to heal, prevent further complications and reduce its inflammation.

Once someone with celiac sticks to a gluten-free diet, they begin to feel better in a few days, and symptoms will start to subside within a few weeks.

The intestines will take several months before returning to their normal state and could take years to heal completely.

(Source:Jennifer Robinson on Webmd.Com)

celiac disease — food to avoid

People who are celiac or know people living with this disease often have questions like, what can celiacs not eat? How to live with celiac disease? And so on.

Since it has been established that a gluten-free diet is the only known cure, then one has to stay away from all foods that contain gluten to prevent further complications, ease symptoms, and give the small intestines a non-disruptive gluten-free time to heal (which takes some time).

Some of the foods containing gluten that a celiac should stay away from include,

  • Wheat
  • Graham flour
  • Barley
  • Durum
  • Semolina
  • Malt
  • Bulgur
  • Spelt (a form of wheat)
  • Farina
  • Triticale
  • Rye

Beyond the apparent gluten sources, one must be careful of hidden sources while eating gluten-free foods only. Gluten can be hidden in,

  • Prescription and over-the-counter medications
  • Modified food starch, preservatives, and food stabilizers
  • Herbal and nutritional supplements
  • Vitamin and mineral supplements
  • Toothpaste and mouthwash
  • Lipstick products
  • Envelope and stamp glue
  • Communion wafers
  • Playdough

It is also better to stay away from packaged foods while on a gluten-free diet until you are more familiar with gluten-free food. If one can’t completely stay away from packaged foods, then labels need to be read to ensure that they are gluten-free to prevent complications. Some packaged foods to avoid include,

  • Rice mixes
  • Beers, lagers, ales, and malt vinegar
  • Gravies
  • Candies
  • Processed luncheon meats
  • Imitation meats or seafood
  • Salad dressings and sauces, including soy sauce
  • Seitan
  • Seasoned snack foods, such as tortilla and potato chips
  • Soups
  • Self-basting poultry

A gluten-free diet will put one with celiac on a path to healing and recovery.


gluten-free Kung Pao cauliflower

healthy food recipe ideas for celiac disease

Are you finding it hard to cook healthy food and gluten-free meal plans when starting a new diet? It’s almost impossible to imagine that something that tastes so good can be against your body and do you harm.

But the sad fact is that some foods harm the human body, like gluten.

I know you are curious to get answers to questions like,

  • What is this whole fuss about a gluten-free diet?
  • Are all these recipes healthy?
  • And how can gluten-free ingredients make them as tasty as “regular” recipes?

A celiac disease diet is one of the most challenging diets to follow as we are constantly bombarded by items that we think we cannot eat. If you have just been diagnosed with celiac, it might feel as though you’ll never taste certain foods again.

A popular misconception about being gluten-free in today’s society is that your food choices are extremely limited.

taco stuffed roasted kabocha

That’s why I’m here to clear all those misconceptions and help you understand that cooking gluten-free recipes and sticking to a celiac disease diet does not mean goodbye to tasty and sumptuous meals.

Healthy gluten-free food does not have to lack flavour. Here are our three most popular links to get your startedgluten-free recipes for beginners, celiac disease diet recipes,gluten-free desserts and gluten-free vegan recipes.

gluten-free strawberry tiramisu

You can start your journey today to treat your body to nourishing healthy food while giving your body space and time to heal on its own.

Kristina xx

Disclaimer:This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of only gluten-free recipes or its staff.

Foods Celiacs Should Never Eat Only Gluten Free Recipes (2024)


Foods Celiacs Should Never Eat Only Gluten Free Recipes? ›

Avoid all products with barley, rye, triticale (a cross between wheat and rye), farina, graham flour, semolina, and any other kind of flour, including self-rising and durum, not labeled gluten-free. Be careful of corn and rice products.

What foods should celiacs not eat? ›

If you have coeliac disease, you'll no longer be able to eat foods that contain any barley, rye or wheat, including farina, semolina, durum, bulgar, cous cous and spelt.

What are 6 foods celiacs can eat? ›

Allowed fresh foods
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Beans, seeds, legumes and nuts in their natural, unprocessed forms.
  • Eggs.
  • Lean, nonprocessed meats, fish and poultry.
  • Most low-fat dairy products.

What are 10 foods you would eat if you had celiac disease? ›

Gluten-free foods

Many foods, such as meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, rice, and potatoes, without additives or some seasonings, are naturally gluten-free. Flour made from gluten-free foods, such as potatoes, rice, corn, soy, nuts, cassava, amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat, or beans are safe to eat.

Should celiacs only eat certified gluten-free? ›

Answer. No, foods do not have to be certified gluten free (GF) or made in a dedicated GF facility to be safe for people with celiac disease. We recommend that grains/starches/flours/cereals and oats are labeled GF as they have high risk for cross-contact with gluten-containing grains.

Should celiacs eat eggs? ›

Are All Eggs Gluten Free? Real eggs, no matter their grade, size or color, are naturally gluten free. Whether the egg comes from a chicken, duck, or another bird doesn't make a difference. Even egg products like liquid egg whites are often gluten free, though it's a good idea to check the label to be sure.

Are bananas bad for celiac disease? ›

If you have Celiac disease, you can eat bananas. But it's following a gluten-free diet that's going to protect your health and prevent gastrointestinal issues and potentially serious health problems.

Can celiacs eat potatoes? ›

The simple answer is yes — potatoes are gluten-free. Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and other grains. Potatoes aren't grains, they're a type of starchy vegetable. That's good news for people who can't tolerate gluten because they have celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

What is surprisingly not gluten-free? ›

Here are some foods likely to contain gluten:
  • Beer, ale and lagers.
  • Bouillon cubes.
  • Brown rice syrup.
  • Candy.
  • Chips.
  • Communion wafers.
  • Couscous.
  • Deli meats.
Aug 7, 2020

What triggers celiac disease later in life? ›

Celiac disease is caused by specific genes, eating gluten, and possibly by some other triggers such as childbirth, surgery, stress, or other autoimmune disorders. However, medical science is still working to understand the roles of these potential causal factors.

What can't celiacs drink? ›

Beverages that may contain gluten include:
  • beer.
  • bottled wine coolers.
  • premade coffee drinks.
  • drink mixes.
  • commercial chocolate milk.
Sep 10, 2020

Can celiacs eat butter? ›

Butter is gluten-free. While some cheeses can have additives or flavorings that contain gluten, butter is usually a low risk unless flavored.

Can celiacs eat chocolate? ›

In its purest form, chocolate in any of its milk, dark and white varieties doesn't contain gluten. Sadly for chocoholic coeliacs everywhere, the reason all chocolate isn't gluten free is because some products have gluten-based ingredients added, or they are made in a factory where gluten is used.

How strict do celiacs have to be? ›

A gluten-free diet is the only treatment if you've been diagnosed with celiac disease. You'll have to avoid gluten for the rest of your life. Even the slightest amount will trigger an immune system reaction that can damage your small intestine.

Do celiacs need gluten-free shampoo? ›

It's a personal decision to choose a gluten-free product as not everyone with celiac disease will be sensitive to gluten-containing shampoos and conditioners. Research shows that gluten cannot be absorbed through the skin but some people do find them irritating to the scalp.

Does oatmeal have gluten? ›

Yes, pure, uncontaminated oats are gluten-free. The U. S. Food and Drug Administration considers oats a gluten-free grain under its gluten-free labeling regulations and only requires that packaged products with oats as an ingredient contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten overall.

Why can't celiacs eat eggs? ›

Yes, eggs are naturally gluten-free.

However, eggs are often at a high risk for cross-contact due to the ways they are prepared.

Is cheese bad for celiac disease? ›

Generally, unless the ingredients label includes wheat, barley, rye or their derivatives, cheese should be safe. Tricia Thompson at Gluten Free Dietitian has more information on gluten in blue cheese. Brie is gluten-free. Read more about brie in Answers from a Dietitian.

What is a good meal for someone with celiac disease? ›

Make safe choices:
  • Fresh meat, fish, fruit, and vegetables.
  • Eggs and cheese.
  • Rice, corn, soy, and potato products.
  • Flours made from rice, corn, soy, and potato.


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