Best team against JTR (2024)



8 posts Member

February 12, 2018 7:58AM

In arena i have the biggest problems when i need to face a JTR team. What teams do you use to beat JTR consistently when you don’t have JTR herself?

  • RacerDejak

    3203 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 8:05AM


    Titans still can do well, but i'm more comfortable with modified titans: rex lead, thrawn, GK, cls, han.

    I can control the battle, and it's 100% win. With regular titans i don't comfortable, it's 60-40% chance to win (for me)

  • Kinecare

    8 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 8:09AM


    RacerDejak wrote: »

    Titans still can do well, but i'm more comfortable with modified titans: rex lead, thrawn, GK, cls, han.

    I can control the battle, and it's 100% win. With regular titans i don't comfortable, it's 60-40% chance to win (for me)

    What order do you use?

  • RacerDejak

    3203 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 8:18AM


    Kinecare wrote: »

    RacerDejak wrote: »

    Titans still can do well, but i'm more comfortable with modified titans: rex lead, thrawn, GK, cls, han.

    I can control the battle, and it's 100% win. With regular titans i don't comfortable, it's 60-40% chance to win (for me)

    What order do you use?

    Han shoot first bb8, GK enemy taunt, focus fire on GK. Then the rest is easy. Use tenacity up rex if only u have SO many debuff, set ur GK tanky as possible

  • Smapty

    1260 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 8:32AM


    Just do an empire team under Palp and click auto..

    Or do NS and wither them away...

  • RacerDejak

    3203 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 8:39AM


    Smapty wrote: »

    Just do an empire team under Palp and click auto..

    Or do NS and wither them away...

    Yea that can work too.. Plz remember @Kinecare , i suggest rex bcause i use titans as main team. And rex for me means i don't need to modified/invest anything. I just swap some chars. If u have empire, or NS, they can beat JTR also. All depend on ur resources

  • Kinecare

    8 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 9:20AM


    I use Titans or GK-zBarris but it’s much more difficult recently in arena with all the NS/JTR teams. Rex lead would be easy for me.
    For NS i also swap an other toon in.

    I’m working on my NS and waiting to see If empire are worth the zeta’s...

  • Kinecare

    8 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 9:21AM


    Smapty wrote: »

    Just do an empire team under Palp and click auto..

    Or do NS and wither them away...

    Who do you use with palp?

  • Anakin_Skywalker

    1801 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 9:26AM


    I use titan minus gk plus dn.
    stun r2 fracture jedi rey kill her annihilate r2 annihilate bb8
    i think it's surely doable with gk instead of dn

  • BoroSmooth

    90 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 10:06AM


    Ackbar (L), CLS, GK, HYoda and Thrawn. Under 2 mins easily

  • Kinecare

    8 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 10:42AM


    Hyoda is the problem in that team and a bit essential i’m afraid..

  • ewqewqc

    183 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 11:46AM

    the most voted comment is your answer.
    and one of the comments there have explanation why titans isn't the answer in most cases, unless Rex swap CLS/R2. lot of guys making their jRey go before R2, making it impossible to stop their kickstart.

  • Tarugo91

    294 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 12:25PM edited February 2018


    for me , i can beat jtr more consistently with
    - Rex GK DN R2 Thrawn
    and less consistently with
    - CLS GK R2 Han Thrawn

    This team Rex GK Thrawn CLS Han has been recommended in the forums and elsewhere but i cannot seem to use it properly. I always lose when using this to fight JTR teams.

  • Rizn

    246 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 1:44PM


    NS + GK. Rarely loose to JTR teams.

  • RacerDejak

    3203 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 2:03PM


    Tarugo91 wrote: »

    for me , i can beat jtr more consistently with
    - Rex GK DN R2 Thrawn
    and less consistently with
    - CLS GK R2 Han Thrawn

    This team Rex GK Thrawn CLS Han has been recommended in the forums and elsewhere but i cannot seem to use it properly. I always lose when using this to fight JTR teams.

    I find the rex team work after i tuned my GK. My GK quite speedy at 230 speed, medium on protection at 68k. Then i change with all defence mod set with primary protection. He's slower at 170, but very tanky at 98k protection.

    Idea is make GK as ur team TM booby trap. Let GK take many attacks. CLS is ur control char, han is ur damage dealer, thrawn manipulate TM n regen prot. Don't mind rex, he usually ended dead.

  • Boba_The_Fetter

    3393 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 2:04PM


    Yeah Titan team isn't bad

  • Olddumper

    3000 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 2:39PM


    Smapty wrote: »

    Just do an empire team under Palp and click auto..

    Or do NS and wither them away...

    NS is a good option if you are looking for a meme way to beat them. It's a great match up between two particular sqauds

    EP lead empire is a way to put them in the dirt and any other comp you come up against.

  • Jetlife

    1367 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 2:49PM



  • Kinecare

    8 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 5:23PM


    Rex lead did the job for me! Thanks for all the tips!

  • Putnam

    194 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 5:38PM



  • LordInuy

    212 posts Member

    February 12, 2018 9:03PM


    i can b eat jtr with empire. before rework i use zzthrawn gk nihilus shore and death, now i play zzthrawn ep dv/nihilus shore easy win, before sometime i lose

  • Waqui

    8802 posts Member

    February 13, 2018 8:44AM


    Rex leading a variety of teams works very well against JTR teams. Personally I use Rex, GK, R2, Zolo and MT. Even GK (Lead), Zarris, R2, Zolo and DN works well on offense against JTR teams, only loosing 1 in 6 matches. However, GK+zarris tend to drop far on defense.


  • ILeftNowImBlack

    127 posts Member

    February 13, 2018 11:20AM


    Watch this, it seems like a they can beat JTR teams with their comp

  • RacerDejak

    3203 posts Member

    February 14, 2018 12:58AM


    ILeftNowImBlack wrote: »

    Watch this, it seems like a they can beat JTR teams with their comp

    Yea sure with unrealistic mods due to tester account. Their palp n vader around 260ish speed. I've tested mine vs JTR not work.. mods is the difference. Best i can pump on them is 220ish Best team against JTR (27)

  • DarthApok

    277 posts Member

    February 14, 2018 1:06AM


    RacerDejak wrote: »

    ILeftNowImBlack wrote: »

    Watch this, it seems like a they can beat JTR teams with their comp

    Yea sure with unrealistic mods due to tester account. Their palp n vader around 260ish speed. I've tested mine vs JTR not work.. mods is the difference. Best i can pump on them is 220ish Best team against JTR (30)

    I run Palp team and my Vader and Palp have just around 200ish speed and have no problem against JTR. I also fought with an unmodded Thrawn and won and didn’t realize he had 0 mods until after. Palp, Vader, Thrawn, Nihilus, GK is super effective.

  • Nikoms565

    14242 posts Member

    February 14, 2018 2:53AM edited February 2018


    I use Zader lead, with Palp (only his unique zeta'd), Thrawn, DN and GK. Finish 1 on a predominantly JTRey November 2015 shard. With his speed at 207 + buffs = 265ish. He goes first, drops TM with AoE, then Thrawn who uses. Admiral's Command to get Palp to AOE stun. Then DN drops TM again with this AoE. It's pretty simple.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*

  • Mullato

    2582 posts Member

    February 14, 2018 3:06AM edited February 2018


    Palp L, Vader, thrawn, +2.

    My palp is only g11, and only 1 zeta (lead)
    Still never have problems rolling over Rey squads.
    This is the one of the only times I have come close to losing on auto. And even then, my guys were still 1-up and with a clear advantage. So you can probably imagine how easy it would be to demolish on manual play.

  • DedrickRogue

    924 posts Member

    February 14, 2018 4:31AM


    Mullato wrote: »

    Palp L, Vader, thrawn, +2.

    My palp is only g11, and only 1 zeta (lead)
    Still never have problems rolling over Rey squads.
    This is the one of the only times I have come close to losing on auto. And even then, my guys were still 1-up and with a clear advantage. So you can probably imagine how easy it would be to demolish on manual play.

    You have significantly better mods then the opponent. Your Vader got a turn before R2, bb8 or RJT, despite you running 2 Rebels and them only running 1 Rebel & 1 Jedi.

    Most people who only pick up 56 speed on Vader’s unique aren’t getting a turn before R2.

  • Mullato

    2582 posts Member

    February 14, 2018 4:44AM


    DedrickRogue wrote: »

    Mullato wrote: »

    Palp L, Vader, thrawn, +2.

    My palp is only g11, and only 1 zeta (lead)
    Still never have problems rolling over Rey squads.
    This is the one of the only times I have come close to losing on auto. And even then, my guys were still 1-up and with a clear advantage. So you can probably imagine how easy it would be to demolish on manual play.

    You have significantly better mods then the opponent. Your Vader got a turn before R2, bb8 or RJT, despite you running 2 Rebels and them only running 1 Rebel & 1 Jedi.

    Most people who only pick up 56 speed on Vader’s unique aren’t getting a turn before R2.

    Zolo stunned the bb8.

    Not sure how my Vader got off before the r2 tho. He is 281 after bonuses. Maybe the zolo stun giving 5% tm to Vader pushed him ahead. Not sure.

    Even so. Do you really think r2 and Rey (Not bb8 because I stunned him) going first would change anything? (It doesnt) Thrawn would of simply cleansed them next.

  • Huatimus

    3669 posts Member

    February 14, 2018 5:24AM


    Mullato wrote: »

    Palp L, Vader, thrawn, +2.

    My palp is only g11, and only 1 zeta (lead)
    Still never have problems rolling over Rey squads.
    This is the one of the only times I have come close to losing on auto. And even then, my guys were still 1-up and with a clear advantage. So you can probably imagine how easy it would be to demolish on manual play.

    Huh? I thought you only played Jedi?

  • DedrickRogue

    924 posts Member

    February 14, 2018 5:32AM


    Mullato wrote: »

    DedrickRogue wrote: »

    Mullato wrote: »

    Palp L, Vader, thrawn, +2.

    My palp is only g11, and only 1 zeta (lead)
    Still never have problems rolling over Rey squads.
    This is the one of the only times I have come close to losing on auto. And even then, my guys were still 1-up and with a clear advantage. So you can probably imagine how easy it would be to demolish on manual play.

    You have significantly better mods then the opponent. Your Vader got a turn before R2, bb8 or RJT, despite you running 2 Rebels and them only running 1 Rebel & 1 Jedi.

    Most people who only pick up 56 speed on Vader’s unique aren’t getting a turn before R2.

    Zolo stunned the bb8.

    Not sure how my Vader got off before the r2 tho. He is 281 after bonuses. Maybe the zolo stun giving 5% tm to Vader pushed him ahead. Not sure.

    Even so. Do you really think r2 and Rey (Not bb8 because I stunned him) going first would change anything? (It doesnt) Thrawn would of simply cleansed them next.

    Well yeah, a bit. Not to say it would have completely changed the outcome, especially since outside of choosing solo 1st shot you were playing on auto. Just saying it was a poorly modded JRT team.

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Best team against JTR (2024)


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