BBC - Religions - Christianity: Lent (2024)


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Lent is the period of 40 days which comes before Easter in the Christian calendar. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, Lent is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. By observing the 40 days of Lent, Christians replicate Jesus Christ's sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days. Lent is marked by fasting, both from food and festivities.

Whereas Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus after his death on the cross, Lent recalls the events leading up to and including Jesus' crucifixion by Rome. This is believed to have taken place in Roman occupied Jerusalem.

The Christian churches that observe Lent in the 21st century (and not all do significantly) use it as a time for prayer and penance. Only a small number of people today fast for the whole of Lent, although some maintain the practice on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. It is more common these days for believers to surrender a particular vice such as favourite foods or smoking. Whatever the sacrifice it is a reflection of Jesus' deprivation in the wilderness and a test of self-discipline.

Why 40 days?

40 is a significant number in Jewish-Christian scripture:

  • In Genesis, the flood which destroyed the earth was brought about by 40 days and nights of rain.
  • The Hebrews spent 40 years in the wilderness before reaching the land promised to them by God.
  • Moses fasted for 40 days before receiving the ten commandments on Mount Sinai.
  • Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the wilderness in preparation for his ministry.

Most Christians regard Jesus' time in the wilderness as the key event for the duration of Lent.

Why is it called Lent?

Lent is an old English word meaning 'lengthen'. Lent is observed in spring, when the days begin to get longer.

The colour purple

Purple is the symbolic colour used in some churches throughout Lent, for drapes and altar frontals.

Purple is used for two reasons: firstly because it is associated with mourning and so anticipates the pain and suffering of the crucifixion, and secondly because purple is the colour associated with royalty, and celebrates Christ's resurrection and sovereignty.

East and West

Both the eastern and western churches observe Lent but they count the 40 days differently.

The western church excludes Sundays (which is celebrated as the day of Christ's resurrection) whereas the eastern church includes them.

The churches also start Lent on different days.

Western churches start Lent on the 7th Wednesday before Easter Day (called Ash Wednesday).

Eastern churches start Lent on the Monday of the 7th week before Easter and end it on the Friday 9 days before Easter. Eastern churches call this period the 'Great Lent'.

The last week of Lent is called Holy Week.

Shrove Tuesday

BBC - Religions - Christianity: Lent (1)Pancakes ©

Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent starts: the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. It's a day of penitence, to clean the soul, and a day of celebration as the last chance to feast before Lent begins.

Shrove Tuesday is sometimes called Pancake Day after the fried batter recipe traditionally eaten on this day.

But there's more to Shrove Tuesday than pigging out on pancakes or taking part in a public pancake race. The pancakes themselves are part of an ancient custom with deeply religious roots.


Shrove Tuesday gets its name from the ritual of shriving that Christians used to undergo in the past. In shriving, a person confesses their sins and receives absolution for them.

When a person receives absolution for their sins, they are forgiven for them and released from the guilt and pain that they have caused them.

In the Catholic or Orthodox context, the absolution is pronounced by a priest.

This tradition is very old. Over 1000 years ago a monk wrote in the Anglo-Saxon Ecclesiastical Institutes:

In the week immediately before Lent everyone shall go to his confessor and confess his deeds and the confessor shall so shrive him.

Anglo-Saxon Ecclesiastical Institutes

Shrove Tuesday celebrations

Shrove Tuesday is a day of celebration as well as penitence, because it's the last day before Lent.

Lent is a time of abstinence, of giving things up. So Shrove Tuesday is the last chance to indulge yourself, and to use up the foods that aren't allowed in Lent.

Giving up foods: but not wasting them

During Lent there are many foods that some Christians - historically and today - would not eat: foods such as meat and fish, fats, eggs, and milky foods.

So that no food was wasted, families would have a feast on the shriving Tuesday, and eat up all the foods that wouldn't last the forty days of Lent without going off.

The need to eat up the fats gave rise to the French name Mardi Gras ('fat Tuesday'). Pancakes became associated with Shrove Tuesday as they were a dish that could use up all the eggs, fats and milk in the house with just the addition of flour.

The origin of pancake racing

Pancake races are thought to have begun in 1445. A woman had lost track of the time on Shrove Tuesday, and was busy cooking pancakes in her kitchen.

Suddenly she heard the church bell ringing to call the faithful to church for confession. The woman raced out of her house and ran all the way to church; still holding her frying pan and wearing her apron.

Going for gold in the pancake Olympics

One of the most famous pancake races is held at Olney in Buckinghamshire over a 415 yard course. The rules are strict; contestants have to toss their pancake at both the start and the finish, as well as wearing an apron and a scarf. The race is followed by a church service.

Since 1950 Olney has competed with Liberal in Kansas, which holds an identical race, to see which town can produce the fastest competitor. After the 2000 race, Liberal was leading with 26 wins to Olney's 24.


Ash Wednesday

BBC - Religions - Christianity: Lent (2)Ash cross marked on forehead ©

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent for Western Christian churches. It's a day of penitence to clean the soul before the Lent fast.

Roman Catholic, Anglican, and some other churches hold special services at which worshippers are marked with ashes as a symbol of death and sorrow for sin.

Ash Wednesday services

The service draws on the ancient Biblical traditions of covering one's head with ashes, wearing sackcloth, and fasting.

The mark of ashes

In Ash Wednesday services churchgoers are marked on the forehead with a cross of ashes as a sign of penitence and mortality.

The use of ashes, made by burning palm crosses from the previous Palm Sunday, is very symbolic.

God our Father, you create us from the dust of the earth.

Grant that these ashes may be for us a sign of our penitence, and a symbol of our mortality.

Traditional Ash Wednesday prayer

BBC - Religions - Christianity: Lent (3)Anointing with ashes ©

The minister or priest marks each worshipper on the forehead, and says remember you are dust and unto dust you shall return, or a similar phrase based on God's sentence on Adam in Genesis 3:19.

The modern practice in Roman Catholic churches nowadays is for the priest to dip his right thumb in the ashes and, making the Sign of the Cross on each person's forehead, say: Remember, that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return (or a variation on those words).

Keeping the mark

At some churches the worshippers leave with the mark still on their forehead so that they carry the sign of the cross out into the world.

At other churches the service ends with the ashes being washed off as a sign that the participants have been cleansed of their sins.

Symbolism of the ashes

The marking of their forehead with a cross made of ashes reminds each churchgoer that:

  • Death comes to everyone
  • They should be sad for their sins
  • They must change themselves for the better
  • God made the first human being by breathing life into dust, and without God, human beings are nothing more than dust and ashes

The shape of the mark and the words used are symbolic in other ways:

  • The cross is a reminder of the mark of the cross made at baptism
  • The phrase often used when the ashes are administered reminds Christians of the doctrine of original sin
  • The cross of ashes may symbolise the way Christ's sacrifice on the cross as atonement for sin replaces the Old Testament tradition of making burnt offerings to atone for sin

Where the ashes come from

The ashes used on Ash Wednesday are made by burning the palm crosses that were blessed on the previous year's Palm Sunday.

Ashes can also be bought from Church suppliers. A bag of ashes big enough for 1000 people costs around £8.

Ashes and oil

BBC - Religions - Christianity: Lent (4)The oil is blessed ©

The ash is sometimes mixed with anointing oil, which makes sure that the ashes make a good mark.

The use of anointing oil also reminds the churchgoer of God's blessings and of the anointing that took place at their baptism.

From Palm Sunday to Ash Wednesday

Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, so when the crosses used in the Palm Sunday service are converted to ashes, the worshippers are reminded that defeat and crucifixion swiftly followed triumph.

But using the ashes to mark the cross on the believer's forehead symbolises that through Christ's death and resurrection, all Christians can be free from sin.


Find out more

  • Lent bible study courses
  • Holy Week
  • Mothering Sunday, the fourth Sunday of Lent


BBC - Religions - Christianity: Lent (2024)


What does Christianity say about Lent? ›

Lent (Latin: Quadragesima, 'Fortieth') is the solemn Christian religious observance in the liturgical year commemorating the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the desert and enduring temptation by God, according to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, before beginning his public ministry.

Is Lent just a Catholic practice? ›

Lent is not a “Catholic-only” tradition; it's a time in which people of any denomination can use to learn from as well. This season, although usually known to be practiced in one branch of Christianity, may also serve as a reminder to everyone of where their faith lies and what their beliefs are.

Why 40 days of Lent? ›

"Lent is the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter," said Sills. "Those 40 days are set aside as a time of reflection, repentance and spiritual growth. 40 days are observed to represent the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert where he fasted and was tempted by the devil.

What does Lent BBC teach? ›

Lent is the period of six weeks (40 days not including Sundays) leading up to Easter, the most important festival in the Christian calendar.

Do Christians do anything for Lent? ›

Not necessarily. The focus of the season is on spiritual growth and connection with God. Oftentimes Christians choose to take on something during Lent, like reading more of the Bible or completing daily devotions. Fasting is a traditional part of Lent, but not everyone does it.

Is Lent a part of Christianity? ›

Lent is a period of 40 days during which many Christians remember the events leading up to and including the death of Jesus Christ, whose life and teachings are the foundation of Christianity. The 40-day period is called Lent after an old English word meaning 'lengthen'.

Why do Baptists not do Lent? ›

Many Baptists question the usefulness of Lent. “It's Catholic” or “It's about punishment” are typical comments. While Christians for hundreds of years have made Lent into a spiritual journey, many Protestant Christians continue to ask, “Do I really need a structured way of preparing for Easter?”

Do Baptists participate in Lent? ›

Baptists do not celebrate lent because it is not Biblical. You will not find any mention of Jews or Christians observing an annual period of 40 days of fasting and abstinence preceding the festival of the Passover, yet most of the “Christian” world observes a 40 day period called Lent, which precedes Easter Sunday.

How do you explain Lent to a non-Catholic? ›

Christians around the world consider Lent a time to reflect on what Jesus did for us. Remember how John the Baptist expressed a need to prepare the way for Jesus through repentance and humility? Lent is a time, too, to get our hearts ready to truly appreciate Jesus' death for us and celebrate Easter.

What 3 main practices do Christians undertake during Lent? ›

This Lenten season, let's commit wholeheartedly to the three disciplines of fasting, prayer and almsgiving. By doing so, we go into the desert of our hearts to encounter our Lord and hear his spirit prompting, challenging, and encouraging us.

Where did Jesus go for 40 days during Lent? ›

The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan. He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him. After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: “This is the time of fulfillment.

What did Jesus do during Lent? ›

At that time Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and forty nights and afterwards was hungry. The tempter approached and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread.

Why was Jesus crucified by BBC? ›

The crucifixion is important for Christians who believe that God sacrificed Jesus, his only son, to atone. for the sins of humanity. For some Unitarian. Unitarianism rejects the idea of a Trinity, believing instead that God is one entity.

What do Christians remember during Lent? ›

Beginning on Ash Wednesday, Lent is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. By observing the 40 days of Lent, Christians replicate Jesus Christ's sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days. Lent is marked by fasting, both from food and festivities.

Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden? ›

Easter is directly connected with the central Christian belief that Jesus died for people's sins and that the cross therefore symbolises costly love, sacrifice and forgiveness.

What does Jesus say about Lent? ›

Thirdly, the temptation of pride is very strong when fasting, which is why Jesus told His disciples to not let others know they were fasting (Matthew 6:1, 17-18). To boast about one's long period of fasting during Lent would match the Pharisees' hypocritical pride and not be pleasing to the Lord (Matthew 6:16).

Is it biblical to observe Lent? ›

Although observing Lent it is not a biblical mandate, it can deepen your meditation on the gospel and heighten your joy in the hope of Easter.

What is a sin during Lent? ›

Patrick Riviere, director of the diocese's Office of the Priesthood. “Yes, it's a sin to eat meat on Fridays during Lent,” Riviere said. “The Church does ask Catholics to abstain from eating meat on Fridays during Lent.”


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